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Leo Monthly Horoscope


- December 2023 -

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  • Monthly vibe

  • Your month

    A celestial symphony is on the horizon, harmonious and dynamic. The Moon, in sextile to Uranus, brings a liveliness at the beginning of the month that bolsters your usual audacity and creativity. The Sun in trine to the Moon, around the middle of the month, promises a period of tranquility, vitality, and prosperity. Make sure to take advantage of these favorable planetary movements to shine in your endeavors and realize your desires. The key lies in the balance between action and contemplation.

  • Your love life

    If you've been feeling like a lone wolf lately, Uranus in sextile to your natal Moon might just shake up your routine. An unexpected encounter could stir your heart at the beginning of the month. For those already paired up, anticipate a period of sweet harmony thanks to the favorable aspect of the Sun in trine to the Moon. More united than ever, you'll navigate hurdles with a comforting clarity and camaraderie. Be sure to communicate your feelings, love needs to be nurtured.

  • Your career

    Under the unpredictable dynamism of the Moon sextile Uranus, unexpected opportunities will poke their heads out at the start of the month. Seize the moment, the adventure will invigorate you. The Sun in trine with the Moon, later on, brings a serene climate to work, fostering collaborations and the realization of projects. Yet, don't let confidence blind you, stay aware of the details, they can make the difference. The pinnacle of your success lies in the finesse of execution.

  • Your finances

    The breeze of audacity, propelled by the Moon in sextile to Uranus, might well inspire you with ideas for daring investments. The first glimmers of the month will see you making risky financial decisions, but potentially very lucrative ones. However, the calming influence of the Sun in trine to the Moon will later invite a more cautious and balanced management of your resources. Your financial strategy for the end of the month should be played out gently. Caution is your best ally in preserving your stability.

  • Your wellbeing

    Brimming with energy at the start of the month, thanks to the Moon sextile to Uranus, you'll feel like you're on cloud nine, ready to conquer the world. However, don't overlook your need for rest. With the arrival of the Sun in trine to the Moon, you'll feel more in harmony with yourself, both physically and mentally. Practicing meditation could be an excellent way to make the most of this positive energy. Don't let your inner flame die out, feed it wisely.

  • Your astro-dates

    December 1st kicks off with a surprising audacity, fueled by the Moon sextile to Uranus, marking an ideal day for innovation. On the 2nd, the Sun in trine to the Moon brings a harmonious atmosphere, conducive to sharing. On the 15th, beware of illusions, an unfavorable aspect of the Moon could cloud your judgment. To conclude, on the 26th, the Sun opposing the Moon invites self-reflection. These days will be crucial, keep them in mind.

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