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Libra Monthly Horoscope


- July 2024 -

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  • Monthly vibe

  • Your month

    The Sun in sextile to the Moon at the onset of the month offers the opportunity to overcome your dilemmas. A harmony is forged between your desires and your actual needs, casting clarity upon the decision-making process. Place as much trust in your instinct as in your sense of discernment.

  • Your love life

    For the lovers, the Sun sextile to the Moon at the start of the month promises a rediscovered harmony in the relationship. Following this, the influence of the Moon square to Saturn (July 4th) calls for the establishment of clear boundaries to put an end to disputes.

  • Your career

    During the initial weeks, the Sun sextile to the Moon makes your work more pleasant and collaborative. This is precisely the time to tackle demanding tasks. You will carry them out with poise! On the other hand, with the challenges of the Lunar square to Saturn (July 4), expect necessary adjustments in the execution of your projects. Be patient, do not get discouraged and do not hesitate to seek help if needed at the end of the month. The reward will be awaiting you!

  • Your finances

    The dawn of the month will be the optimal moment to invest in activities that bring you joy, courtesy of the Sun sextile to the Moon. This planetary aspect also promotes clarity and balance, conducive to the serene management of your budget.

  • Your wellbeing

    The initial part of the month lends itself to an abundant energy thanks to the Sun sextile the Moon. This period is favorable for physical activities that replenish you, like a gentle hike in the great outdoors or perhaps a dance class to release tensions. On the contrary, the Moon's square to Saturn on July 4th calls for energy conservation. No need for alarm! It's all about taking it slower and prioritizing moments of leisure and relaxation. A good book or a movie could be the antidote to any fleeting fatigue.

  • Your astro-dates

    On July 1st, the Sun's sextile to the Moon opens promising prospects. It's a fine day to decide or commence something of significance. Then ready yourself for July 4th when the Moon's square to Saturn brings its share of challenges requiring patience and perseverance. The end of the month, however, offers a softer touch with the conjunction of Mercury in Virgo starting from the 26th, promoting communication and understanding. An ideal time to reconcile any misunderstandings or finalize a significant writing project.

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