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Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, will begin its transit through the meticulous sign of Virgo.

Mercury returns home

July 25, 2024

On July 25, 2024, a major astrological event will capture the attention of all astrology enthusiasts: Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, will begin its transit through the meticulous sign of Virgo. This homecoming for Mercury is not just

July 22, 2024 marks a vibrant and deeply inspiring astrological event: the Sun makes its majestic entry into the sign of Leo.

The Sun triumphs in Leo: Get ready for a flamboyant summer!

July 22, 2024

July 22, 2024 marks a vibrant and deeply inspiring astrological event: the Sun makes its majestic entry into the sign of Leo. This celestial movement promises to rekindle the flames of our individuality and creativity. As we feel the energizing

The Full Moon in Capricorn invites us to deep introspection and personal revolutions.

A Full Moon in Capricorn that will change your perception of life!

July 21, 2024

July 21, 2024 will mark an extraordinary day under the astrological sky. The Full Moon in Capricorn, conjunct Pluto, in sextile to Mars and Neptune, and in trine to Uranus, invites us to deep introspection and personal revolutions. This unique

Un rendez-vous cosmique incontournable : le sextile Soleil-Uranus

An unmissable cosmic rendezvous: the Sun-Uranus sextile on July 18

July 18, 2024

On July 18, 2024, a rare astral configuration takes shape in the sky: the sextile between the Sun and Uranus. For astrology enthusiasts, this is not just another day in the calendar, but a unique opportunity to realign our lives

Un alignement stellaire à ne pas manquer : La conjonction Mars-Uranus promet des changements sismiques

Mars-Uranus conjunction promises seismic changes

July 15, 2024

On July 15, 2024, get ready for an unusual astrological event: the Mars-Uranus conjunction in the robust sign of Taurus. This cosmic encounter, known for its intensity and potential for sudden upheaval, could well shake you up in unexpected ways.

Discover how the Sun-Saturn trine will revolutionize your summer!

July 11, 2024

The summer of 2024 promises to be an auspicious one, marking a key moment of transformation and stability. On July 11, a particularly powerful celestial event will take place: a trine between the Sun and Saturn. This harmonious aspect promises

The New Moon in Cancer: A celestial phenomenon with intimate resonances

July 5, 2024

The new Moon in Cancer, scheduled for July 5, 2024, promises to be a most touching and significant astrological event. In astrology, Cancer is the sign of intimacy, family and domestic comfort. This New Moon, forming a harmonious sextile with

Venus in Cancer and the promise of summer 2024!

July 2, 2024

On July 3, 2024, prepare to welcome a particularly gentle and comforting celestial influence: Venus, the planet of love and beauty, will enter the sensitive family sign of Cancer. This astrological transit promises to warm hearts and strengthen family ties,

July 2024: A cosmic month of revelations

July 1, 2024

July 2024 promises to be a memorable month, marked by powerful planetary transits that promise to reshape our lives in vibrant ways. Between retrograde influences and harmonious aspects, this month is a veritable playground for the stars, offering a perfect

Desires on fire and hearts on trial under the Venus/Mars sextile

June 29, 2024

The cosmos is preparing a particularly sparkling astral cocktail for us this summer of 2024! On June 29, a remarkable celestial event will caress our senses and titillate our deepest desires. Venus’ sextile to Mars, this harmonious and stimulating aspect,

The day Mercury and Saturn align to heal your emotions

June 26, 2024

On June 26, 2024, get ready for a rare and powerful astral configuration that promises to bring clarity and resolution to your emotional interactions. Mercury, the planet of communication, will be in perfect trine to Saturn, the great ruler of

The great turmoil of June 2024: An impressive emotional turning point

June 17, 2024

On June 17, 2024, a major astrological event looms on the horizon that promises to deeply stir our emotions and interpersonal relationships. Mercury and Venus, the planets associated with communication and love, will form a square with Neptune, the ruler

The Mars/Pluto square unleashes uncontrollable forces

June 11, 2024

On June 11, 2024, the heavens are preparing a rare and powerful astral spectacle: the square between Mars in Aquarius and Pluto. This planetary alignment is more than just a celestial event; it’s an invitation to plunge into the abysses

When love meets destiny: get ready for the Venus/Saturn square!

June 8, 2024

The cosmos often holds surprises that can touch the deepest strands of our being, influencing our lives in unexpected ways. One of these key astrological moments is on the horizon: June 8, 2024, when Venus, the planet of love and

Under the spell of the stars: the power of the Sun/Venus conjunction

June 4, 2024

June 4, 2024 promises to be an extraordinary celestial day, marked by a most charming astrological event: the conjunction of the Sun with Venus in Gemini. This astral configuration promises to spread magnetic charisma and increase our power of seduction.

The Transformative Power of Mercury Square Pluto

May 17, 2024

On May 17, 2024, the cosmos prepares us for a powerful and provocative astrological spectacle: Mercury, the planet of communication, forming a square with Pluto, the master of deep transformation and renewal. This celestial configuration promises to profoundly stir our

Mercury in Taurus: Time to think and thrive!

May 15, 2024

On May 15, 2024, an exciting astrological period is upon us as Mercury, the planet of communication, intellect, and commerce, smoothly transitions into the stable and contemplative sign of Taurus. This transit, lasting until June 18, invites us to slow

Mars in Aries: Unleash your inner power!

April 30, 2024

April 30, 2024, marks the beginning of a powerful and energizing astrological event: Mars, the planet of energy, strength, and courage, enters its home sign of Aries. Until June 9, 2024, we are invited to channel a wave of raw

When Venus embraces Taurus…

April 29, 2024

The cosmos, in its eternal ballet, prepares us for an exceptional rendezvous on April 29, 2024, marking a turning point in the astral year. On this special day, as Mars and Neptune weave a conjunction that calls for vigilance and

Astral realignment: Mercury direct illuminates our actions!

April 25, 2024

The cosmos orchestrates a fascinating spectacle, subtly influencing the course of our lives on Earth. Among these celestial phenomena, the movement of Mercury holds a special place, especially when it transitions from retrograde to direct. On April 25, 2024, we

Signs and Forgiveness: How Each Zodiac Sign Turns the Page in Relationships

April 16, 2024

In the vast universe of human relationships, forgiveness stands out like a North Star, guiding lost hearts towards reconciliation. Through the prism of astrology, the ability to forgive and overcome interpersonal hurdles takes on unique cosmic nuances for each zodiac

Heavenly love: Your sign and love at first sight!

April 11, 2024

Astrology, this ancient art of studying the stars to understand human behaviors, reveals to us that our first impressions and love at first sight are not mere coincidences. Indeed, the position of the stars at the moment of our birth

Venus in Aries revolutionizes love…

April 5, 2024

April 5, 2024, will mark the beginning of a remarkable astrological period, where Venus, the goddess of love, beauty, and pleasures, will boldly traverse the sign of Aries until April 29. Known for its influence on our emotions, relationships, and

Tips for navigating despite the chaos of Mercury retrograde in Aries…

April 2, 2024

In the fascinating world of astrology, the phenomenon of Mercury retrograde is often met with a sense of apprehension. Considered a time when things seem to go awry, especially in the realm of communication, the upcoming Mercury retrograde episode, from

Awakening of the senses and promises of stars: The spring equinox 2024 illuminates your destiny!

March 15, 2024

At the heart of a celestial ballet orchestrated by the spring equinox on March 20, 2024, a page turns to announce the beginning of a dazzling season of transformation. As nature reclaims its rights, flourishing in a kaleidoscope of colors

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