In conjunction with Mars, this month should be marked by renewed energy and motivation, particularly visible around the 1st of September. This, therefore, is the perfect time to boldly embark on ambitious projects that seem beyond your usual comfort zone. Prepare to bounce back, no matter what obstacles arise! Conversely, the 11th of September is a key day for shedding light on unresolved relational issues. Who knows? Perhaps you'll uncover a precious relationship with someone older or younger that relies on more than just biology... Remain open.....
At the beginning of the month, a wind of freedom blows for the singles. Take advantage of it to refocus on what truly matters to you: friends, hobbies, personal development. Couples are not exempt either, as they rediscover independence within their relationship. In the second half of the month, the Sun/Jupiter square on September 16th leads to profound questioning: do your past or current partners truly fulfill your expectations? Don't fear these questions, they are necessary for your romantic evolution.
The start of the month promises major professional strides. It's time to tackle new challenges! But beware, the Moon-Mercury conjunction on September 1st could trigger a surge of emotions and disrupt your communication. Maintain calm and clarity in your meetings or discussions. Towards the end of the month, this same aspect suggests a necessary assessment: which relationships with your collaborators need to be deepened? Each connection can be a future opportunity. Be ready to seize the opportunities by remaining open and sociable!
In September, your finances will dance to the tune of educational delight. The Moon sextile Jupiter on September 1st provides an ideal springboard for investing in new books, courses, or lectures that will broaden your vistas and enrich your mind. Fear not, by mid-month, a salary increase or an anticipated reimbursement could give your wallet a much-needed lift. Education is always a sound long-term investment. However, think twice before investing in superficial activities toward the end of the month: some fleeting pleasures simply aren't worth their cost.
Kickstart this month with a rejuvenating energy, courtesy of the Moon-Mars sextile on September 2nd. Consider activities that stimulate your senses: dance, cooking, hiking. Around the middle of the month, take a momentary pause to meditate and connect with your inner self. You might uncover valuable insights during a date with yourself! The end of September calls for an adjustment in your daily routine to incorporate more activities that nourish your soul. It's not selfish, it's essential!
The 1st of September opens with a powerful call to action. Do not flee from challenges, they are your springboard to new heights! On the 11th of September, a wave of truth beckons you to reflect on your past and present relationships. Towards the 22nd of September, pay particular attention to your mental and emotional well-being. Certain fleeting pleasures may be tempting but are not worth their long-term cost. Be aware of your choices and remain true to yourself throughout the month!