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Leo Monthly Horoscope


- November 2023 -

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  • Monthly vibe

  • Your month

    Good news, Leo in November! The planetary aspects have a meaning for your inner lion. Jupiter in Taurus heralds prosperity, while Saturn in Pisces brings reflection. With Uranus in Taurus, expect surprises, but don't forget that Scorpio houses the Sun, fueling your inner fire. If you feel overwhelmed, remember that Pluto remains in Capricorn, meaning you can ground yourself. Get ready to roar!

  • Your love life

    Dear Leo, hold on tight! Your love life is about to be as fiery as your sign. The Sun in Scorpio and Venus in Libra bring exciting romantic opportunities, while Mars in Scorpio enhances your charm and attractiveness. It's the perfect time to attract that special person you've had your eye on! For couples, Mercury in Sagittarius promises deep conversations and mutual understanding. One thing is for sure: the roaring of the Lion in love will not go unnoticed!

  • Your career

    Dear Leo, at work, the influence of Jupiter in Taurus this year may push you towards expansion. It's an excellent time to consider expanding your professional horizons, such as starting a new project. The transit of Saturn in Pisces will infuse the patience and endurance needed for these challenges. But beware, Uranus in Taurus could bring surprises. Don't stress! Remember that your sign is ruled by the Sun, and there is no task you cannot accomplish. Go ahead, show them what you're made of!

  • Your finances

    Attention, Leo! Thanks to Jupiter in Taurus, money could rain down on you this month. It's time to make big investments or start a new business. Mercury in Sagittarius will help you make the right financial decisions. But be wary of Saturn in Pisces, as it may bring some frustration. Stay calm and avoid impulsive spending. Remember, a good Leo knows when to roar and when to purr. It's time to show your banker who's the king of the financial jungle!

  • Your wellbeing

    Hello dear Leo! For your well-being this month, Uranus in Taurus may cause some stress, but don't panic! The energy of Mars in Scorpio will help you fight this fatigue and find the motivation to do some exercise. It's a good time to grab some dumbbells or sign up for an aerobics class. Don't forget to take some time for yourself with Neptune in Pisces. A little moment of relaxation is the best remedy for your mind. So, are you ready to roar with well-being?

  • Your astro-dates

    On November 5th, a Mars aspect in Scorpio could make this day a highly energetic date for our Leo friends. A little extra courage at the office, perhaps? Around November 13th, Mercury in Sagittarius favors clear communication, it's the perfect time to speak your mind. On November 20th, get ready for a financial surprise thanks to Uranus in Taurus. And finally, on November 28th, the moon in Gemini promises a romantic evening, so why not plan a date?

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