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Leo Monthly Horoscope


- January 2024 -

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  • Monthly vibe

  • Your month

    Signs of stormy weather ahead! Keep calm, your inner strength is your most reliable ally. Around January 10th, draw inspiration from the natural connection symbolized by the Moon aligning with Jupiter. It's the time to get some fresh air, jog in a park, or simply take deep breaths. After January 20th, the trine between the Sun and the Moon promises a gentle easing of tensions. The calm after the storm will bring well-deserved peace. Sometimes, all it takes is a small step forward to regain your balance.

  • Your love life

    This is the month to rekindle the flame that binds you. Awaken your partner with coffee in bed, or if you're single, take a step forward and invite that special person out. On January 10th, the influence of the Moon in trine with Jupiter fosters renewal. Take responsibility, don't postpone important conversations. After the 20th, thanks to the Sun in trine with the Moon, expect to see a tangible improvement in your relationships. The little things make the grandest loves, don't forget!

  • Your career

    Take this month to reflect. What path do you wish to tread this year? If changes scare you, remember that the Moon in trine with Jupiter on January 10th fosters optimism and confidence. In case of job loss or reorientation, it's an opportunity to redefine your ambitions. After the 20th, the Sun in harmony with the Moon brings clarity and shines a spotlight on your hidden talents. The road to success is always under construction, so be brave!

  • Your finances

    The pursuit of bargains could wind up costing you dearly. Before reaching for your credit card, ask yourself: is this truly necessary? Around January 10th, when the Moon enters a trine with Jupiter, exercise particular caution. This astrological aspect tends to bring out your overly generous side. After the 20th, the Sun in harmonious aspect with the Moon will usher in a renewed clarity in your financial matters. Take the time to scrutinize your expenditures in order to establish a balanced budget that aligns with your long-term objectives.

  • Your wellbeing

    Abrupt lifestyle changes often lead to disappointment. Around January 10th, utilize the celestial connection between Moon and Jupiter to gently adjust your daily routines for lasting results rather than making a yet—again forgotten New Year's resolution. Post-20th, the harmonious Sun-Moon conjunction could help recognize the feelings evoked by these fresh habits. Opt for diverse and enjoyable food experiences while savoring each mouthful. The approach of balanced routine not only reaches out to your diet but engaging in social activities can also serve as an energy booster – remember happiness is infectious! Always forward, not forcing it!

  • Your astro-dates

    On January 5, be daring and plunge into an unexplored activity. On the 10th, the Moon in harmony with Jupiter brings optimism. It's the time to make key decisions. On the 20th, a balance between the Sun and the Moon becomes perceptible. Some introspection could be beneficial to sweep away lingering doubts. Finally, the 25th offers an energy conducive to the achievement of your profound professional or personal projects. Forge ahead!

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