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Pisces Monthly Horoscope


- July 2024 -

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  • Monthly vibe

  • Your month

    In the early days of the month, the harmony between the Moon and Venus brings a dose of optimism and strengthens your ability to form connections. This favourable climate continues until July 11th, encouraging you to step out of your comfort zone. Then, towards the end of the month, the energy of Mars joins that of the Moon (July 30th), invigorating your initiatives. Be careful, however, not to exhaust your reserves by spreading yourself too thin. During this period, channel this energy to reinforce existing ties rather than creating new ones.

  • Your love life

    Singles, seize this early part of the month, where the celestial energy encourages you to explore your freedom alone. Rediscover your passions and spend precious moments with your loved ones around July 11th. This time for self is invaluable and provides the potential to embrace a fulfilling relationship in the future. For those in couples, the positive influence of the Moon-Mars aspect towards the month's end (July 30th) fosters a rejuvenated dynamism in your relationship, conducive to cultivating a sincere and tender dialogue that allows each of you to evolve together without restraint. Reap the benefits!

  • Your career

    At work, the start of the month is the perfect time to shoulder your responsibilities and embark on fresh ventures. By the 11th of July, the Moon and Venus concoct a climate conducive to innovation and harmonious relations with your colleagues. However, be cautious not to drain yourself around mid-month when intensity could escalate. Preserve your energy for the end of the month when the Moon-Mars aspect (30th July) may demand a greater commitment to your tasks. Channel your dynamism to attain your goals!

  • Your finances

    This month, anticipate expenditures greater than usual, particularly around July 11th with Venus's influence so close to the Moon. Perhaps it is the ideal time to review your budgets and consider a little saving for your future projects. The second half of the month promises to be more financially serene. You can take advantage of this period to plan and implement a new savings strategy in anticipation of less forgiving days. The Moon-Mars aspect on July 30th brings a positive energy, conducive to putting these plans into action.

  • Your wellbeing

    Affectionate bonds and social support amplify their relevance in early July, notably due to the harmonious aspect between the Moon and Venus (July 11). This is the time to bolster your wellness capital by prioritizing shared activities with your loved ones. However, an excess of energy associated with the Moon-Mars aspect towards the end of the month could needlessly exhaust your system. Adopt a more soothing rhythm by ending your days on softer notes to facilitate your restorative sleep. By taking care of yourself in this way, you enhance your daily moments of happiness. Don't neglect these moments!

  • Your astro-dates

    On the 1st of July, the energy of the Moon and Venus promotes emotional bonds. It's a favorable period for strengthening your relationships. On the 11th of July, their sextile intensifies this atmosphere of harmony and openness to others. However, be mindful to preserve your personal space. The end of the month promises to be more dynamic with the strong influence of the Moon-Mars aspect on the 30th of July. This moment is ideal for channeling your energy towards concrete projects without spreading yourself thin. A month rich in social interactions and decisive initiatives!

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