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Cancer Weekly Horoscope


- Week 30, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    A gust of dynamism is blowing. The Moon-Venus opposition emboldens your natural charm, make use of it! Around midweek, the everyday may seem foggy, do not let yourself get bogged down. Stay alert to opportunities, they might be hiding in the smallest details. Trust your intuition and move forward with confidence.

  • Your love life

    Singles, your intense emotions might catch you off guard: like a torrent of laughter or tears that simply cannot be held back. As for couples, a storm appears to be brewing. Yes indeed, the sky is rumbling. Small conflicts may burst forth, but do not fret overly. These clouds will pass swiftly. Be gentle and patient with yourself and your partner!

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    Discover the allure of Scorpio surprisingly invigorating this week, owing to a profound and intense energy that resonates with your own.

    You avoid

    Steer clear of tense interactions with Sagittarius. Their inclination for adventure may threaten to unsettle you.

  • Your weekend

    Come now, be open to compliments! The weekend holds pleasant surprises. Mars sextile Neptune generates a wave of goodwill in your favor. At last, everything is in its place. Savor this moment.

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