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Leo Monthly Horoscope


- October 2023 -

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  • Monthly vibe

  • Your month

    Dear Leo, October will start under the influence of the Moon sextile Saturn, bringing you stability and tranquility. Jupiter in Taurus strengthens your need for sensuality and appreciation of beauty. However, Saturn in Pisces could push you towards some introspection. The overall tone of the month will be harmony thanks to the Sun in Libra. But be careful of the square between the Moon and Venus in Virgo, as you might be tempted to spend too much to please others. Laughter and moderation will be your best allies. So, are you ready for this great stellar journey?

  • Your love life

    On October 1, 2023, Mars in Libra promises Leo an amplification of passions. In a relationship, you will be more in love than ever, ready to roar with pleasure. As for singles, Venus in Virgo could push you to seek perfection. Be careful, dear Leo, even if your sex appeal is at its peak, love does not always rhyme with perfection. Take advantage of the Moon in Taurus to make authentic connections. And remember, a rejection is not a sign of failure but an invitation to roar louder!

  • Your career

    Great Leo, this October could bring you some pleasant surprises at work. With Mars in Libra, harmony will prevail with your colleagues. Try to roar with enthusiasm, but gently, to lead them with finesse. Saturn in Pisces could bring a well-deserved promotion or project. However, with Jupiter in Taurus, keep a cool head and avoid showing off, as it may provoke jealousy in the office savannah. Good luck, and remember: at work, being a lion often means knowing how to roar in silence!

  • Your finances

    Dear Leo, you can expect an exciting period in October 2023. With the Sun in Libra and Mars in Scorpio, diplomacy and courage will be your watchwords. Mercury in Virgo brings a touch of reflection and discernment, which will help you in your financial decisions. In love, Venus in Virgo emphasizes the need for perfection, but don't forget that no one is perfect. A square between the Moon and Pluto paves the way for transformations. Don't resist change. In short, October 2023 will be a mix of action, reflection, and transformation for you. Stay strong, roar often, and savor every moment!

  • Your wellbeing

    Dear Leo, with the Sun in Libra this month, you will shine with a contagious energy. However, be careful not to overdo it, as Saturn in Pisces might remind you to take a little break with a touch of fatigue. Don't panic, Jupiter in Taurus promises you moments of jubilation and well-being. Don't forget to roar with joy during these moments of pure happiness! And remember, even the king of the jungle sometimes needs a little nap under the trees. So, let yourself be soothed and enjoy this harmonious atmosphere!

  • Your astro-dates

    On October 3rd, Leo, shy Mercury in Virgo could prepare a little surprise for you. You may receive a love letter or an interesting job offer. On October 15th, Mars in Scorpio stimulates your dynamism and leadership. A good day to take bold initiatives. On October 23rd, the Moon-Uranus square invites you to roar in the face of financial surprises. Finally, on October 30th, the Moon in Taurus favors letting go and a certain indulgence. Enjoy this day to pamper yourself. Take it easy, you're worth it!

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