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What about the sky during Summer 2018?

July 30, 2018

Mars joined the other Retrograde Planets such as Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto on June 26. Mercury will be part of this retro dance, July 26 onward. Having so many dancers in backward motion, will slow down the general

13th zodiac

July 30, 2018

From Wikipedia, Ophiuchus has been used in sidereal astrology as a thirteenth sign in addition to the twelve signs of the tropical zodiac. It is situated from November 30 to December 18. The 13-sign zodiac has been suggested by Walter Berg and by Mark Yazaki in 1995, a popular suggestion

What’s your idea of a romantic vacation?

June 25, 2018

A Romantic vacation isn’t the same for everyone, we all have our own vision of paradise. However there is a common ground, according to your Sun, Moon and Venus position. Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn will have their saying as well.

What is a Solar Eclipse Spiritual Meaning?

June 11, 2018

What happens during a Solar Eclipse? A Solar Eclipse always occurs at the same time as a New Moon. The effects of a Solar Eclipse can be felt weeks before it happens and months after. During a Solar Eclipse, there

How to use the different phases of the Moon for Love?

June 11, 2018

A few insights about the Moon phases: The emotions are ruled by the Moon, so it makes sense to plan depending on the Phases of the Moon. New Moon (Beginning) This is a great time to plant the seeds of

Is Mercury involved in Love stories?

June 5, 2018

Mercury is about how we express our feelings, our needs, our fantasies and our desires.  Heart isn’t enough when it comes to love, head plays an important part, as well. The Sign Mercury occupies in the birth chart, tells what

Australian Dream time Astrology

May 22, 2018

Going back in time… Unlike western Astrology, the Australian Astrology is associated to the elements such as Fire for deserts, Air for mountains, Earth for rain-forests and Water for the ocean. The 12 Zodiacal signs consist in Aboriginal Dream time

Egyptian Astrology

May 22, 2018

A bit of History Astrology has been influenced by the Greeks and the Egyptians but previously, the Babylonians were supposed to be the creators of it. Egyptian Astrology is associated with the Egyptian gods and goddesses. Let’s find your god/goddess

Native American Astrology

May 22, 2018

How does it defer from our Western Astrology? Native American Astrology is linked to the seasons and the 12 Totem animals which are associated to the 12 Moons of the year. Find your Totem Animal and its meaning The Hawk

Saturn in Capricorn, does it help?

May 11, 2018

What can we expect ? Saturn in Sagittarius brought optimism and expansion while Saturn in Capricorn is all about restriction and hard reality checks. With Saturn in Capricorn, we have the archetype of the Elder as Saturn rules maturation and

Uranus is changing sign, a big move!

May 11, 2018

What does it mean? Uranus leaves the sign of Aries where it has stayed put for the past 8 years and it will enter the sign of Taurus on May 15. It is a time of excitement and of unpredictability

Medical Astrology

May 11, 2018

A bit of History Medical astrology has been used for centuries in India, China. It was present in Arabic countries as well and gained importance in Europe from the Medieval period. Astrologers assigned Zodiacal Signs to rule the parts of

Solar Return or Solar Revolution

May 11, 2018

A Solar Return or SR chart is calculated for the precise time when the Sun returns to its Natal position. The Solar Return chart has to be looked at in connection to the Natal chart. Depending on where you spend

July 10: Jupiter in Scorpio

April 9, 2018

Jupiter, is the planet that governs growth, abundance, good fortune but also excesses and overindulgence. It can also blow everything out of proportion. Jupiter is seen as the great benefactor, as the most benevolent planet. It changes sign once every

Horary Astrology

April 9, 2018

A bit of history and practice William Lilly was an English astrologer who perfected the Horary art, set by the ancients. Horary astrology is perfect for timely information and precise answers. Horary Astrology answers to questions by using the time of

Relocation in Astrology

April 9, 2018

A bit of history After years of research, the astrologer Jim Lewis developed in 1970 what is actually called astrocartography. The lines drawn on the map show the places where planets conjunct the house cusps, enabling us to see where in

It’s time to rising a new challenge

March 27, 2018

It is time to slow down, to take time for ourselves before taking action on the outside world. While Mercury and Jupiter went Retrograde in March, Saturn and Pluto will follow and will go backwards from April, onwards. These are

March Blue Moon … make the most of it!

March 27, 2018

We often hear this expression without knowing what it is and where it comes from. Don’t expect the Moon to turn blue or you will be disappointed. The Full Moon on March 31, at 11o Libra, is called a Blue


March 7, 2018

Asteroids Asteroids are celestial bodies, most of them are located between Mars and Jupiter. The Ephemerides provide their precise position. It is better to consider tight orbs when working with them. There are many of them so let’s have a

Love compatibility in Astrology

March 7, 2018

To establish a Love compatibility report, most astrologers use the Sun signs of two people but there are other planets involved, as well. The Moon signs will reflect the emotional responses of the two people and how they blend together.

What is the influence of the Moon?

March 7, 2018

The Moon has a mystical place in human culture. People have always performed rites following the lunar calendar in different regions of the planet. The moon’s influence on literature and language appears in many sentences: To be “over the Moon”,

Sex in Relationships

March 7, 2018

There are some reasons why you feel magically attracted to someone. Astrology has a few tools to understand the chemistry that exists between two people. Composite and Synastry are some of them but in this particular topic there are Planets,

Composite Chart in Astrology

March 7, 2018

The composite chart is a chart of the Relationship formed by two people. It uses mid-points between each person’s planets and points. It is a chart by itself and will be interpreted as a Natal chart. Relationship dynamics are seen

The 12 Houses in Astrology

March 5, 2018

A birth chart is composed of an outside wheel where the 12 zodiacal Signs are placed. Plus 12 segments called Houses, in which the Planets will be displayed. Each house is ruled by one of the 12 signs. The zodiac

Retrograde Stations in Astrology

March 5, 2018

They are stronger during these periods and we should embrace these inevitable cycles as opportunities for growth. It is a time for corrections and for improvements. It is a time for awakening, for developing our self-knowledge and for re-enforcing our

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