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Leo Weekly Horoscope


- Week 29, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    Beware, there is tension at the start of the week. The Moon and Venus are not on good terms, it's a time to stay discreet and steer clear of unnecessary conflict. From Wednesday on, Mercury encourages communication and mental clarity. Seize this moment to confidently express your ideas. Thursday heralds a promising opportunity in the financial realm. So, ready to grasp the luck?

  • Your love life

    Singles, an authentic emotional exchange appears challenging to attain. You feel the need for a deeper connection. For those in a relationship, do not let doubts about feelings haunt you. Speak about it candidly. On Wednesday, Mercury will favor this essential communication! Be brave and sincere.

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    Your broad-mindedness and generosity are perfectly complemented by the optimism and enthusiasm of a Sagittarius this week.

    You avoid

    Capricorns might strike you as overly rigid and serious, a stark contrast to your craving for freedom and personal expression.

  • Your weekend

    The Sun and Mars unite to energize your interactions. Being in the presence of other invigorating energies can escalate your energy to an amazing level. So, are you ready for these opportunities for encounters that are emerging on the horizon of the weekend's dawn?

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