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Leo Weekly Horoscope


- Week 28, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    Monday and Tuesday, the Moon-Mercury alignment liberates your creativity: seize any opportunity to express your talents! Be cautious however on Wednesday and Thursday, a tricky phase commences. An ideal period to rally your patience in the face of possible setbacks. Come Friday, the solar influence brings a peaceful end to the week. Make the most of it!

  • Your love life

    Support seems to elude you this week if you are in a relationship. Endeavor to communicate to restore balance. For the single ones, a lightning strike of love is possible. A jolting effect! But do not forget to appreciate the freedom that your situation offers you. The takeaway: keep faith despite the opposing wind.

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    The positive influence of Sagittarius will elevate your energy and stimulate your sense of adventure, a perfect synergy!

    You avoid

    The Capricorn's caution may curb your enthusiasm and stir up tensions. It would be wiser to keep your distance!

  • Your weekend

    Infuse a touch of idleness: your energy also bubbles during rest. In a nod to the cosmos, raise a glass to the gentleness of passing time this weekend. Savor the moment!

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