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Aquarius Weekly Horoscope


- Week 32, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    The Sun sextile to Mars bestows an additional burst of energy. Even at work, you radiate and encounter success. However, take heed, Mars square to Saturn foretells challenges midweek. Do you know the difference between dreaming and planning? Do not remain in the dream, take action!

  • Your love life

    Balance is indispensable in all relationships. For you, in a partnership, this is the right time to prioritize your individual hobbies without neglecting the importance of time spent together. If you're on your own, seize the chance to rekindle a platonic friendship. Are you certain you haven't let deeper feelings slip by?

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    The innate independence of Sagittarius aligns well with your liberated spirit, crafting a harmonious connection worth exploring.

    You avoid

    Your need for space could clash with the possessive nature of Taurus, making relations tense.

  • Your weekend

    With the Moon trine Saturn, your active power of seduction is at its peak. Why not favour a romantic evening? Sociability and surprises are in store.

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