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Aquarius Weekly Horoscope


- Week 31, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    Neptune, the planet of dreams, whispers into your ear and your intuition works wonders. Listen to yourself! In need of a radical change? This is the moment! But be cautious: on August 2nd, Venus quarrels with Uranus. Relationship troubles are on the horizon. Stay diplomatic.....

  • Your love life

    Couples, disharmony looms. Be careful not to ignite the flames of quarrel, maintain your cool. Singles, strong emotions will be on the agenda. Do not let yourselves be overwhelmed by your feelings, take a step back to calmly enjoy these intense moments.

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    Your true ally could be Gemini, whose mental agility and openness harmonize with your unquenchable curiosity.

    You avoid

    Steer clear of Scorpio this week, their intensity and propensity for possessiveness may suffocate your yearning for freedom.

  • Your weekend

    Expect a weekend teeming with emotions, even bordering on the sultry. But take heed, offer your cheek instead of rushing into conflict. For such is the cost of tranquility.

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