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Aquarius Weekly Horoscope


- Week 6, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    Receptivity is your keyword this week. The palpable tensions between Mercury and Jupiter are urging you to remain awake and alert. Do you know that feeling of anticipating movements even before they occur? This is your week to apply it! Stay on your guard, surprises can spring from anywhere.

  • Your love life

    Cultivate peace in your interactions, conflicts and troubles are never far off when Mercury packs its bags. Set aside the issues, turn the pages. For the singles: love is not a priority. Strengthen the bonds with your friends and loved ones, it will highlight your emotional freedom.....

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    A Sagittarius could spice up your week with their adventurous and optimistic spirit, in harmony with your forward momentum.

    You avoid

    Beware, Pisces! Your inherent daydreaming clashes with the pragmatic spirit of the opposing sign. A collision of realities is to be anticipated this week.....

  • Your weekend

    On the agenda, unexpected adventures! Alert to entertainment enthusiasts, Mercury in your sign heralds a weekend of spontaneity. It's time to diversify your playground! It's electrifying, and isn't that what makes life so thrilling?

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