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Aquarius Weekly Horoscope


- Week 5, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    Beware of the influence your time spent on technological devices may have this week, given the discord between the Moon and Neptune. Innovations don't always bring balance into our lives, and by week's end, you could find yourself feeling these disturbances. Tread lightly, refine your interactions with the digital realm, and remain analytical! As for any setbacks you encounter, stand firm, stay optimistic. To soothe these ripples, here's a good elixir: advocate for hands-free habits. Take care of yourself by distancing yourself from disruptive artifices!

  • Your love life

    Single folks, the Moon in trine with Mars heralds thrilling encounters! Be audacious, this is not the time to back down. As for those in relationships, prioritize attentiveness and patience. Display your creativity to overcome the minor daily disputes. Seduction will take center stage!

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    Capricorn, your week spells profound connections! Allow yourself to be taken aback by this harmonious energy.....

    You avoid

    Pisces, the conflicting energy might lead to misunderstandings. Opt for dialogue and patience to sidestep any dispute.

  • Your weekend

    This weekend, prioritize reading in the company of your loved ones. Conversations around books strengthen family ties. Yet, beware the Sun-Uranus square. Steer clear of controversial topics that could inflame passions.

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