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Virgo Monthly Horoscope


- December 2023 -

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  • Monthly vibe

  • Your month

    The atmosphere of this month will be marked by waves of conflicting energies. On one hand, the potent trine of the Moon to Mars will ignite a burning desire to initiate and act, which will be rewarding. However, the square of the Moon to Venus might well stir up some turbulence in your mastery of emotions and your relationships with others. Navigate wisely through these pitfalls and keep your inner compass finely honed. A bountiful harvest awaits you.

  • Your love life

    In matters of the heart, the month beckons to rearrange some pieces of the puzzle. To the singles, let yourselves be swept away by the currents of seduction, the challenge is not so much to conquer as to allow oneself to be conquered. For couples, a gentle distance will know how to rekindle the flame: in love, absence and presence dance closely together. Whether it's reunions or discoveries, the unexpected will bring magic to every part of the journey.

  • Your career

    In the professional realm, your efforts will be rewarded. However, don't rest on your laurels. With the Moon forming a trine with Mars, the drive to broaden your skills and increase your responsibilities will find a beneficial resonance. Dare to step towards new projects, you have the energy and discernment necessary to carry them. Keep this proverb in mind: He who does not advance, retreats. Initiative and consistency will be your best allies.

  • Your finances

    The celestial bodies are set to positively influence your finances. Thanks to the energy of Mars in harmony with the Moon, surprising opportunities to enhance your material situation may present themselves. Stay alert, each knock could conceal a treasure. However, the square of the Moon to Venus underscores the importance of balanced management. Resist the call of impulsive spending, your discernment and good sense will guide you towards a much sought-after stability.

  • Your wellbeing

    The energy of Mars in harmony with the Moon bestows upon you a robust vitality, propelling you towards action. This physical momentum, if you can channel it, will boost your productivity and well-being. However, don't forget to carve out periods of rest to recharge your batteries. The square of the Moon to Venus might make you somewhat irritable. Learn to recognize the signals and step back to control your mood and maintain a serene balance.

  • Your astro-dates

    Four days will particularly punctuate this month: on the 9th, a Moon-Venus conjunction will jostle your relational universe, on the 15th, a Moon-Pluto conjunction will sway your emotions. On the 18th, another conjunction, this time between the Moon and Neptune, could bring a surge of creative inspiration. Finally, the 30th will mark a significant milestone: Venus in Sagittarius will gift you a gust of generosity and cheerfulness in your relationships. These dates are opportunities for growth and evolution. Seize them.

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