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Virgo Monthly Horoscope


- November 2023 -

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  • Monthly vibe

  • Your month

    November 2023 is shaping up to be a month filled with twists and turns for all signs, and especially for you, Virgo. With a significant number of planetary aspects influencing the overall mood of the month, the vibrant energy of Jupiter in Taurus and the seriousness of Saturn in Pisces will bring new possibilities. Be wary of the Moon-Venus square and allow yourself the freedom to dance under the Moon sextile Jupiter. In short, you can expect an emotional roller coaster, but remember: the key is to always maintain your sense of humor!

  • Your love life

    Dear Virgo native, love could very well be on the horizon in November 2023! Thanks to the harmonious sextile between the Moon and Jupiter at the beginning of the month, singles could come across someone extraordinary! For those in a relationship, the square between the Moon and Venus could cause some tensions, but remember that wild passion is often just a heartbeat away from little disagreements. So, stay open and always remember: love is like fine wine, it gets better with time... and a dash of humor!

  • Your career

    In November 2023, Virgo, your professional ambition will take the lead. With the seriousness of Saturn in Pisces working in your favor, you will conquer your workplace like a general on a campaign. However, be careful of the challenges that the Moon-Neptune square may pose in mid-November. Misunderstandings with your colleagues could arise. So, keep your senses sharp, and remember: Work is important, but a smile and a bit of humor always disarm even the toughest of your opponents. Courage, the field seems fertile for your ambitions!

  • Your finances

    Virgo, get ready for financial gains in November 2023! Jupiter in Taurus will favor the expansion of your resources. But be careful, the Moon-Neptune square could bring to life some overly optimistic dreams. Don't bet everything on the number 7 in the lottery just because you saw it in a dream! Manage your budget as you manage your household chores: with wisdom and efficiency. We all know that no one shines a sink like you do. Why not do the same with your finances? Have a great month!

  • Your wellbeing

    November 2023 will be a colorful month for Virgo natives. With the Moon sextile Jupiter, you will feel full of energy and ready to move mountains, or at least complete that Pilates session you've been putting off for weeks. However, Uranus in Taurus might make you more vulnerable to stress. Be vigilant and remember to take moments of relaxation. So why not grab a good book, savor a cup of your favorite tea, and as Baloo said: It takes very little to be happy!

  • Your astro-dates

    November 2023 will be a month punctuated by some memorable days for you, Virgos. On November 2nd, beware of the Moon squaring Venus, potentially causing some romantic upheaval. Then, on November 16th, a day blessed by the Moon sextile Jupiter, a configuration that could enrich your finances. On November 21st, with the Moon conjunct the Part of Fortune, it's the perfect day for relaxation and self-care. Finally, get ready to face challenges at work on November 27th, as the Moon opposes Mars. Prudence is the mother of safety!

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