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Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope


- November 2023 -

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  • Monthly vibe

  • Your month

    Sagittarius, this month your mindset will add a touch of Saturn in Pisces, sparking introspection and wisdom. Planetary aspects bring existential waves: the Moon in Cancer on the 30th creates an emotional climate, while Venus in Libra brings balance and harmony. Between fits of laughter with Mars in Sagittarius and moments of deep reflection under Neptune in Pisces, get ready for a colorful and variable month!

  • Your love life

    Love and passion are on the agenda, Sagittarius, thanks to Mars in Sagittarius bringing vivacity to your feelings. If you are single, get ready to charm and be charmed! In a relationship? Expect a period of increased complicity. Despite some emotional uncertainties due to the Moon in Cancer, your love will resemble a harmonious dance, influenced by Venus in Libra. So, enjoy this dance of love, whether it's a sensual slow or a passionate tango! And remember, every step counts in the dance of love.

  • Your career

    This month, Sagittarius, the planet Mars will add some spice to your professional life. Stay vigilant, as Mercury in Sagittarius could create misunderstandings with a colleague who is as lively as you are. Jupiter in Taurus advocates for strategic alliances. With the Moon in Cancer, you may feel the need to refocus on your personal ambitions. Remember, Sagittarius, every step counts. Even in stilettos, on a slightly slippery ground, you are capable of moving forward with confidence and determination!

  • Your finances

    Sagittarius, Jupiter in Taurus suggests rewarding financial opportunities this month. Get ready to fill up your piggy bank! However, the Moon in Cancer towards the end of the month might tempt you to make impulsive expenses. Remember, money doesn't grow on trees! Mars in Sagittarius could bring an unexpected raise or bonus to your doorstep. So, put away that small wallet, you'll need a safe for your upcoming fortune!

  • Your wellbeing

    Sagittarius, Pluto in Capricorn boosts your vitality this month. That's enough to do 10 yoga sessions per week and climb Mount Everest in slippers! However, with the Moon in Cancer, you may have moments of emotional fatigue. But fear not! Mars in Sagittarius will give you the strength to push your limits. Remember, a sound mind in a sound body, so don't forget to nourish your intellect while doing push-ups!

  • Your astro-dates

    On November 9th, Venus will enter Libra, making it an ideal day to express your love and enhance your charm, Sagittarius. Then on November 13th, Mars will energize your career, and you might just become the employee of the month! On November 22nd, the Moon in Pisces will bring a touch of sweetness to your finances, so it's time to play the lottery! Finally, on the 29th, with Mercury in Sagittarius, your vitality will be multiplied. You may discover a passion for CrossFit!

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