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Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope


- October 2023 -

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  • Monthly vibe

  • Your month

    Long live October, the month of Sagittarius! The energy of Mercury in Scorpio pushes you to delve deep into your feelings. It's a time for introspection, Sagittarius. Your mood will be rather relaxed thanks to Jupiter in Taurus. Consider taking a long walk in the woods, with colorful leaves gently falling around you. But keep your eyes open! Some surprises could emerge from the shadow of Pluto in Capricorn. Laughing at yourself will help you navigate the currents of this month filled with planetary energy.

  • Your love life

    Sagittarius, get ready for love! Venus in Virgo brings a sensual energy that could make more than one of you shiver. For singles, this month could be an emotional fireworks display! For couples, TIP: light scented candles and prepare a romantic dinner at home. Don't be afraid to share your deep feelings. Rest assured, Sagittarius, your cheerful mood will be contagious. But be careful not to pull too hard on Cupid's bow if you don't want to end up with an arrow in your backside!

  • Your career

    October promises to be exciting for Sagittarius in terms of career! Mercury in Scorpio offers you dynamic communication energy that will allow you to shine in your professional tasks. It looks like you're going to be the darling of the meeting room! But be careful, Mars in Libra could create some friction with colleagues. Don't forget your wonderful smile and humor to defuse tensions. Advice: don't hesitate to take tea breaks to recharge your batteries and plan your next brilliant move!

  • Your finances

    Sagittarius, the month of October will be favorable in terms of finance! With Mercury in Scorpio after the 8th, it is possible that you will have a green thumb to make your investments flourish. However, be careful, Saturn in Pisces could cast a shadow over you at the end of the month, so keep an eye on your expenses. Check your accounts more often than usual, but don't forget to treat yourself from time to time. After all, money is meant to be spent, isn't it? So, indulge yourself!

  • Your wellbeing

    Sagittarius, get ready for a dynamic October! Thanks to the influence of Jupiter in Taurus, your energy level will be at its peak. This vitality worthy of a marathon runner, coupled with your natural optimism, will allow you to tackle everyday life with surprising ease. However, beware, the transit of Mars in Scorpio could cause a little fatigue around the 24th. Don't panic, a good hot tea and plenty of rest will get you back on your feet. Advice: take advantage of the good weather to go outdoors, it will boost your mood!

  • Your astro-dates

    Sagittarius, mark these days in your calendar! On October 3rd, Mercury will revive your desire to communicate. It's time to speak up in meetings! Then, on October 12th, Jupiter in Taurus could drop a financial surprise into your pocket. However, be careful, on October 20th, the fatigue blow from Mars in Scorpio could make you stumble. Finally, on October 28th, under the charm of Venus in Virgo, let your romanticism flow freely without moderation because love is in the air!

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