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Cancer Monthly Horoscope


- November 2023 -

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  • Monthly vibe

  • Your month

    Bright and intense, November will be a month of deep reflection and well-being for you, dear Cancer! From the first, the Moon in Gemini promises enriching social exchanges. But the real star is Jupiter in Taurus, which will join in a joyful dance with the Moon on the 2nd, inviting you to consider new paths of personal expansion. And with Mars in Scorpio, get ready to face challenges with unparalleled determination!

  • Your love life

    Cancer, Venus in Virgo sparks a glow of passion and sensibility in your love life this month. For single individuals, intellectual exchanges might just turn into flirting, thanks to who? Thanks to the Moon in Gemini! If you are in a relationship, the aspect of Jupiter in Taurus heralds an expansion of love and unexpected depth of feelings. So get ready to cherish and be cherished like a chocolatier in love with his ganache!

  • Your career

    Cancer, with Mars in Scorpio this month, your work energy will be at its peak! You will face challenges with the enthusiasm of a dog searching for a bone! Whether you're leading a team or working solo, expect impressive results. At the same time, the Moon in Gemini stimulates your curiosity, which may lead you to explore new professional avenues. So to everyone who thought you were just a crab walking sideways, show them that you can also excel forward!

  • Your finances

    Cancer, Jupiter in Taurus promises you unexpected benefits this month. You'll feel like a truffle hunter struck by luck! But that's not all, Saturn in Pisces reminds you of the importance of financial prudence. It's as if the universe is saying, yes, you're spoiled, but don't forget to set aside for rainy days. You see, even with money, it's important to have balance. So, treat yourself, but remember to keep an eye on your account balance!

  • Your wellbeing

    Oh boy, dear Cancer, get ready to feel a rejuvenating dynamism! With Mars in Scorpio, you might feel like you've swallowed an electric battery... in a positive way, of course! Your mental and physical energy will be a real fireworks display, making you shine in all your activities. Neptune in Pisces brings a wave of well-being and relaxation. So, after a busy day, don't neglect a good relaxing bath. You've earned it, Superman of the crustaceans!

  • Your astro-dates

    Cancer, take note of these days! On November 2nd, with the Moon in Cancer forming a sextile with Jupiter, expect an expansion of joy and empathy. Around the 9th, with the Moon conjunct Venus, surprise! Like an unexpected but delightful romantic encounter. Dive into your work on the 16th, Jupiter in Taurus promises great successes! And on the 22nd, take the time to relax and savor your accomplishments, as the Moon in Pisces and Uranus in Taurus create a harmonious atmosphere. It's like an Advent calendar, but without chocolate!

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