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Cancer Monthly Horoscope


- October 2023 -

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  • Monthly vibe

  • Your month

    October for Cancer will be a true celestial carousel! Expect a rain of interesting aspects with the Moon forming various configurations with Saturn, Pluto, Lilith, and Mercury. In particular, the Moon-Saturn sextile will bring emotional stability, like a cup of hot chocolate on an autumn evening. With the Moon-Jupiter conjunction, imagine the world of opportunities opening up before you! However, be careful where you step: the Moon square Venus could make you stumble in the realm of relationships. Precision and good humor will be your keywords this month!

  • Your love life

    Cancer, get ready to be overwhelmed by a wave of love in October. Mercury in Virgo could spark deep conversations while the Moon along with Venus brings mass passion for singles. Are you a chocolate lover? This warmth will resemble an intense and decadent chocolate fondue. For those who are in a relationship, the aspect of the Moon square Venus could create some turbulence. Take it as a challenge to reinvent your relationship. Don't panic, take a deep breath, and give them a big smile... and maybe a little plate of pasta with Italian sauce. Don't hesitate to play the game of love!

  • Your career

    Cancer, October brings you the energy of Mars in Libra, placing you in the professional arena like a bullfighter facing a bull. You will juggle with challenges like a circus pro with their bowling pins. However, be cautious of the Moon-Venus square that could lead to tensions with colleagues. A piece of advice, keep your cool attitude and handle the art of diplomacy like a poker king. Good news! The sextile of the Moon with Saturn could bring you a welcome stability in the middle of the month. Take a bite of the apple of success, you deserve it!

  • Your finances

    Cancer, get ready for a surprise in October. The aspect of the Moon conjunct Jupiter could transform your financial situation like a butterfly's metamorphosis. Opportunities to increase your finances will present themselves to you like apples on a tree. Don't be shy, pick them! However, be cautious of the Moon square Venus, as you may be tempted to throw money out the window with unnecessary purchases - yes, we see you with that fluorescent yoga mat. So, adjust your financial glasses and take a close look before signing anything!

  • Your wellbeing

    Cancer, in October your energy shoots up like a firework on New Year's Eve. The Moon-Jupiter conjunction gives you an impressive vitality, to the point that you could find yourself climbing mountains or running marathons... in your mind at least! The Moon sextile Neptune brings you a well-deserved peace of mind. Imagine yourself as a cat enjoying the autumn sun. However, be cautious of the Moon-Venus square. Avoid the tempting excesses in food – yes, we're talking about the third piece of chocolate cake. Take care of your well-being and everything will be fine!

  • Your astro-dates

    To start, Cancer, October 1st will be an important step for you. The Moon, your guiding planet, aligns with Saturn in sextile, inspiring stability and wisdom. Then, October 10th can be an epic day for love, with the Moon in conjunction with Venus. Go out or go on a date that day! Then, on October 17th, the Moon-Pluto sextile could generate a financial opportunity - keep an eye out! Finally, on October 24th, the Moon in conjunction with Saturn will help you regain solid energy. In summary, October is like a box of chocolates, delicious but full of surprises!

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