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Virgo Weekly Horoscope


- Week 13, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    Decisions are aplenty, particularly when it comes to your career. This is the right week to ponder potential changes. The Sun-Moon opposition bolsters this need for stability and balance. However, be careful not to rush things, a serene approach will prove beneficial.

  • Your love life

    Couples, managing expectations turns into a recurring theme this week. Open dialogue is absolutely necessary to succeed. For all the single folks out there, it's time to work on your personal skills. The opposition between the Moon and Mercury fosters listening and patience, key qualities for self-discovery and nurturing future positive relationships.

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    An exceptional accord with a Taurus is taking shape, bolstered by your mutual attention to detail and methodical approach.

    You avoid

    Steer clear of Gemini this week, their impulsive and fickle nature could disrupt your need for stability and predictability.

  • Your weekend

    The Moon in Sagittarius promises a weekend of exploration and discovery. Sunday brunch will present the perfect opportunity to satiate your culinary curiosity. Enjoy your meal!

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