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Virgo Weekly Horoscope


- Week 5, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    Go easy on your family this week. The Moon, in harmony with Mercury, finds a solution to conflicts that seem inevitable. Engage in active dialogue to restore the overall balance. Remain positive overall, but don't hesitate to put in a little extra effort!

  • Your love life

    Unleash your imagination in love this week! Mercury, the planet favoring communication, is causing all situations to tip. Dare to share a candlelit embrace or a sweet note slipped under the pillow. Romance is a guarantee for everyone, so brace yourself for moments that are tender and sweet.

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    Capricorn, your energies are complementing each other this week. Show solidarity and support each other in adversity. A strong union is on the horizon!

    You avoid

    Taurus, be cautious this week. Tensions are quick to rise. Avoid unnecessary conflicts and respect everyone's space!

  • Your weekend

    Despite the influence of the Sun squared with Jupiter, carve out moments of shared joy. Some apprehensions may tint your mood, but they dissolve in the face of collective happiness. Siphon off the good, enjoy a pleasant weekend!

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