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Virgo Weekly Horoscope


- Week 2, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    Brace yourself for a week of introspection. Embarking on a journey of learning can be fraught with obstacles, particularly during a conjunction between the Moon and Venus. However, with some foresight, these challenges will be surmountable. This journey, though bewildering at first, will bring you invaluable knowledge. Take heart, the exploration is worth it!

  • Your love life

    Celebrate love this week! Couples will fortify their bonds through shared activities. For the singles, a new path of learning awaits you, do not fear the unknown. However, be cautious of the Moon in square to Saturn, it could create misunderstandings. Stay benevolent!

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    Scorpio, a perfect companion awaits you this week. The clear complementarity is drawn to your calm, a value so cherished in you.

    You avoid

    Gemini, be wary this week. Their effervescent energy clashes with your need for tranquility. For now, favor distance.

  • Your weekend

    A weekend brimming with familial dilemmas. Don't let stress rob you of your peace. Make firm yet empathetic decisions. Mercury in Capricorn will assist you in this endeavor!

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