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Pisces Weekly Horoscope


- Week 29, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    A unique planetary harmony this week promotes positive circumstances. Minor disagreements might surface, especially with colleagues. Resolve them wisely. When you're presented with an opportunity, seize it without delay: the stars are on your side, particularly in financial matters! Courage and determination are your assets.

  • Your love life

    Couples, the hour has come to seize the reins. Show initiative to break free from the humdrum, present your partner with fresh activities. Singles, the quest for a wholesome and benevolent love takes precedence over all. Be patient yet deliberate in your sentimental pursuits. Stay open to the chance meetings that could prove to be advantageous.

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    A Scorpio marries well with you this week, together, you will form a potent duo of intuition and dream.

    You avoid

    Steer clear of Gemini this week, their shifting nature and your sensitivity could stir up unnecessary strains.

  • Your weekend

    Joy wraps you in its warm embrace this weekend, far from any torment. Your brilliance draws in captivating individuals. With the Moon adorning your sector, optimism permeates your exchanges, making you the cornerstone of an unforgettable evening. Remain spirited in the face of unpredictability. Saturday promises to be bustling. Be adaptable to face challenges without affecting your good spirits. Sunday calls for relaxation. Seize this opportunity to recharge your strength and reclaim your zen before embarking on a new week.

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