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Gemini Weekly Horoscope


- Week 29, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    The week's journey sways between highs and lows. The Moon-Mars opposition on the 16th threatens to cast doubt upon your plans. Exhibit adaptability. But fret not, as soon as the 18th, Venus maintains a sextile with Jupiter, bearing good tidings. Remain open to unexpected opportunities. They could crown your professional path with a delightful surprise! Adapt and thrive!

  • Your love life

    To spice up your shared existence, the heavens suggest audacity and creativity with the Venus-Jupiter harmony of the 18th, an ideal time to trial new experiences together. For those alone, the chosen one of your heart could emerge in an improbable context. Be sure not to reject these unsuspected opportunities presented by life.

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    A lovely harmony with Leo is taking shape, its dynamism and generosity invigorating your curiosity and adaptability.

    You avoid

    For the Scorpio, the incompatibility begins to take shape owing to their emotional intensity that doesn't quite harmonize with your lightness.

  • Your weekend

    The weekend under the sway of the Moon in Aquarius beckons you to take time conversing with your close ones. Prioritize dialogue, even on sensitive subjects. It's time to unleash your speech and lend an ear to others!

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