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Gemini Weekly Horoscope


- Week 25, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    You will undoubtedly notice a heightened desire to express your feelings this week. Do not withhold these emotions, share them! The Sun, in alliance with Mercury, prompts you to communicate more openly. By doing so, you can overcome challenges and lighten the weight on your mind. A chance to manage your stress!

  • Your love life

    For those of you in relationships, carelessness is not an option. Pay attention to each other and nurture tenderness. If you're single, accept your status: it represents the present moment, not your individual worth. The gentle prompt from Venus in Cancer will help you appreciate love in all its forms this week.

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    With a Leo, there exists a joyful and energetic camaraderie that invigorates your exchanges and kindles your curiosity this week.

    You avoid

    Strains are on the horizon with a Capricorn, whose excessive rigor may hinder your desire for lightness this week.

  • Your weekend

    This weekend, steer clear of squabbles with the in-laws and grant yourself a moment to leisurely wander. Seek out activities that truly draw you in, perhaps art, music, or a lovely outdoor stroll. The atmosphere is ripe for a touch of carefreeness, thanks to the beneficial relationship between Mercury and Venus. Saturday will be gentle and soothing, while Sunday will surprise with small, unexpected delights.

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