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Gemini Weekly Horoscope


- Week 23, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    Beware, a surge of tension sweeps across your emotional sphere. The duel between Mars and Pluto could disrupt the harmony of your romantic relationships. Essential to remember: remain calm and patient. Employ diplomacy to defuse conflicts before they intensify, then the stars will be more lenient.

  • Your love life

    In a relationship, your emotional connection calls for finesse. The duel between Saturn and Venus adds a bitter undertone to your bond. Diplomacy and empathy tame the chaos. Single? Open yourself to intimate and passionate experiences, intriguing individuals are on the horizon of your encounters. The universe is smiling upon you!

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    Your rapport with Libra this week bolsters your communication, thanks to a mutual resonance on an intellectual level.

    You avoid

    Exercise caution with Scorpio, your energies diverge, creating misunderstandings and potential conflicts.

  • Your weekend

    Ready for an enriching weekend? Without a moment's hesitation, an impromptu stroll is on the brink of turning these two days into a memorable getaway. Favorable astral energies and Mars in Aries promise an overflowing vitality. What joy the unpredictable brings, does it not?

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