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Capricorn Weekly Horoscope


- Week 32, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    The energy of Mars in Gemini ushers a gust of dynamism into your projects. Stay alert, as tensions may arise. Channel this power to walk with determination towards your goals. Does a relationship require special attention? The stars will surely tell you...

  • Your love life

    In matters of the heart, the quest for a wholesome and benevolent bond takes precedence. If you're alone, bear this in mind during new encounters, for Mars in Gemini could distort perceptions. For those in a relationship, continue to unearth more about each other daily to fortify your bond.

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    The Virgo energy, grounded and conscientious, resonates perfectly with your methodical and determined nature.

    You avoid

    The fickleness and overflowing optimism of Sagittarius may contrast with your more reticent and cautious approach.

  • Your weekend

    Under the sway of Mars, bring order to your home this weekend. Show initiative. Indeed, it's a thankless task, yet it will bestow upon you a surprising sense of wellness and achievement.

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