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Aries Weekly Horoscope


- Week 6, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    Mars in Capricorn is hastening your rhythm. Beware, work is monopolizing you! Try to apply the brakes to relish the small moments with your loved ones. Have you been repressing your emotions? Now's the time to open up more. Remember: work isn't everything in life!

  • Your love life

    For the single folks, travels bring forth unexpected connections. But stay open, not every encounter leads to romance. For those in a relationship, conflict management comes to the fore. Display patience and understanding to weather the storm. Love is not always a serene and placid river.

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    A free-spirited, innovative Aquarius will serve as your mirror image this week. Their gentle eccentricity is sure to ignite your creative passions.

    You avoid

    The Bull might smother your blazing ambitions this week with its down-to-earth logic. Instead, seek dynamism elsewhere.

  • Your weekend

    The weekend is shaping up to be thrilling, but beware of relational tensions. The energy is present, so rather create constructive bonds around you. Don't forget about sharing and empathy to maintain a relaxed atmosphere. Venus in Capricorn on Sunday promotes love and complicity. Make the most out of it!

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