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Aries Weekly Horoscope


- Week 48, 2024 -

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  • LOVE


  • Your week

    What a week, Aries! Thanks to the Sun and Mars in Sagittarius, you will experience a contagious zest for life. Throughout the week, you will sail on a cloud of positivity. Your interlocutors will be amazed by your sharp mind and sparkling sense of humor, thanks to Mercury! But be careful, the Moon in Gemini could stir up your emotions. Put this surplus of energy to good use in conquering the world, or at least your boss. Come on, Aries, hop on, nothing can stop you!

  • Your love life

    Ah, love, Aries! Venus in Libra grants you an irresistible grace and magnetism this week. If you're single, you're likely to turn many heads, so take the opportunity to explore new encounters. Are you in a relationship? Mars in Sagittarius warms up the complicity and passion. Be ready, a memorable night under the covers is on the horizon! Awaken your sex-appeal and don't hesitate to use your charms. Sprinkle it all with a bit of humor, and your week promises to be deliciously fiery. Come on, Aries, let Cupid do his work!

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    Aries, Sagittarius is your sidekick this week! Sun and Mars make your duo cheerful and dynamic. A touch of adventure, perhaps?

    You avoid

    Aries, steer clear of Gemini this week. With the Moon stirring up their emotions, they might be a tad too talkative for your liking. Don't fret, this incompatibility is temporary, next week will tell a different tale.

  • Your weekend

    Attention Aries, an exciting weekend awaits you! With the Sun and Mars in Sagittarius, get ready for a vibrant start. You'll be full of energy, ready to conquer the world, or at least the dancefloor. But be careful, as the Moon enters Virgo, a touch of seriousness might come into play. Don't worry, a little discipline never hurts. So, Aries, show this weekend what you're made of!

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