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Aries Weekly Horoscope


- Week 46, 2024 -

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  • LOVE


  • Your week

    Aries, get ready for an emotional fireworks display this week. The Sun in Scorpio illuminates your sector of mystery and introspection, urging you to dig deeper. With the Moon in Sagittarius, you'll feel more adventurous than ever. But be careful, Mars in Scorpio could fuel the flame a little too fiercely! Keep your cool, even if Venus in Libra tries to distract you with sensual pleasures. Jupiter in Taurus will bring you the stability you need. So hold on, Aries, it's a delicate balancing act between passion and caution this week. But who said astrology was hard to understand?

  • Your love life

    Aries, the week promises to be rich in emotions! Single, the Sun-Moon conjunction in Scorpio could lead you to a meeting as intense as unexpected. In a relationship, Mars in Scorpio will fuel your passion, but be careful not to rush things. Remember that Venus in Libra invites you to embrace gentleness. However, with the Moon in Sagittarius, adventure is calling you... So, exercise discernment and remember: love is not a sprint, but a marathon! Who said Aries were too impulsive?

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    Aries, your affinity with Scorpio is at its zenith this week. The passionate dynamic under the Sun will ignite your camaraderie.

    You avoid

    Entering into an alliance with a Taurus appears risky this week. Jupiter in their sign could amplify the discord. Stay patient, Aries!

  • Your weekend

    Aries, your weekend is shaping up to be dynamic! On Saturday, with the Sun in Scorpio, don't be surprised if you find yourself tidying up or organizing. On Sunday, with the Moon in Aquarius, you might be inclined to go out and socialize. So step out of your comfort zone and enjoy the present moment. And who knows, maybe a rigid Taurus could learn something from your boldness this weekend, right?

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