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Aries Weekly Horoscope


- Week 43, 2024 -

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  • LOVE


  • Your week

    Aries, the sun in Libra makes your week peaceful. However, the Moon in Aquarius may bring some turbulence. Mars in Scorpio boosts you, so be opportunistic. Beware of the squares of the Moon with Jupiter and Uranus, as they could shake your confidence. But, by the way, have you thought about appeasing Jupiter with a good plate of pasta? At the end of the week, the Moon in Aries revitalizes your vitality. Your mood? Reenergized with surprises on top.

  • Your love life

    Dear Aries, Venus in Virgo may make your love life a bit austere. If you are single, a more thoughtful and less impulsive approach could work wonders. For couples, it is possible that chocolate melts more than just your taste buds, creating a beautiful atmosphere of complicity. Who knows, Mars in Scorpio could add a touch of spice and turn a quiet dinner into a much livelier evening... For everyone, this week, love could be savored with a teaspoon.

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    Dear Aries, Scorpio is your compatible sign for the week. Thanks to the intense Mars in Scorpio, your discussions will be like a head-over-heels dance. Enjoy it!

    You avoid

    Aries, be careful with Capricorn this week. With Pluto in Capricorn, your exchanges could resemble more of a cockfight than a harmonious dance. Patience!

  • Your weekend

    Dear Aries, your weekend looks dynamic! With Mars in Scorpio, your conversations promise to be lively. However, beware of the Moon in Taurus that could make you a bit stubborn. Mercury in Scorpio will favor reflection. It may be the perfect time for a board game with friends. Stay open and adaptable, Aries, especially if the evening ends with a wild dance on the coffee table!

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