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Aquarius Weekly Horoscope


- Week 28, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    Good energy at the week's start, thanks to the Moon in conjunction with Mercury: communication and understanding are favored. Regrettably, there is a tension with Mars, a sign of obstacles to overcome. Fortunately, you turn them into opportunities for personal growth. Stay aware of the nuances in personal and professional relationships. They will be key!

  • Your love life

    For couples, the key lies in the act of continually discovering one another with each passing day. Shared moments of camaraderie will strengthen your bond. To all the single folks out there, keep your eyes peeled! Glances and solicitations are bound to be plentiful. Do not overlook these potentials: unexpected happiness may just spring from them!

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    Find common ground with a Gemini, your innovative spirit and their versatility will ignite sparks!

    You avoid

    Steer clear of the Taurus this week. Their proclivity for obstinacy could clash with your need for independence.

  • Your weekend

    An evolution in matters of the heart looms this weekend. Thanks to the Moon-Mercury sextile, your beloved and you may reach a new level of intimacy. Embrace the change!

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