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Aquarius Weekly Horoscope


- Week 23, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    In the gaze of the planets, the start of the week promotes communication. This is the time to converse with those around you, not to be overlooked. Disputes may arise towards the week's end, do not dodge them! They are necessary to bring clarity. After that, all will be well. A minor tempest in a large glass of water...

  • Your love life

    For couples, turbulence is anticipated. Yet, it is through overcoming such disagreements that one strengthens the bond. For you singles, perceive the week as an opportunity for a serious relationship. Be careful, however, not to rush too swiftly! Let things unfold naturally..

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    A remarkable synergy is heralded with Gemini, conducive to invigorating exchanges and enriching sharing.

    You avoid

    With Taurus, tensions may arise, stemming from differences in perspective and an unmatched pace. Caution...

  • Your weekend

    Your weekend is heralded under the banner of a shake-up of the usual plans. Jupiter in Gemini shines with its influence: change will become your ally, bringing you peals of laughter and unexpected moments of camaraderie. Banish boredom, welcome with joy these adjustments full of surprise and shared affection.

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