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Aquarius Weekly Horoscope


- Week 2, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    Beware haste this week! Take the time to savor each moment instead of rushing to the next stage. Beautiful opportunities are presenting themselves due to the Mars-Saturn sextile, but they require patience and diligence. Favorable fate awaits those who wait!

  • Your love life

    The spotlight is on romantic conflicts this week. The Moon-Venus conjunction promotes empathy and listening, so arm yourself with patience and openness. For those who are single, a new encounter could be the key to soothing your past internal disagreements. A refreshing breeze is blowing over your feelings!

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    Capricorn, you are the one who will bring support and understanding in this tempestuous week. Unity and harmony are on the horizon!

    You avoid

    Sagittarius, caution! Your fiery temperaments may incite unnecessary tensions this week. It's best to keep your distance.

  • Your weekend

    Your weekend could prove to be a fertile ground for irritation. With the Sun in conjunction with Pluto, you might find your cool slipping away with ease. Endeavor to cultivate gratitude. It will soften your emotions and bring serenity.

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