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Virgo Monthly Horoscope


- May 2024 -

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  • Monthly vibe

  • Your month

    In early May, the Moon sextile Mercury aspect makes for easy communication—a boon for friendships. Yet, be mindful, as around the 2nd and 30th of May, the Moon in square to Jupiter signifies an excess of energy—channel it to avoid unnecessary confrontations. A rhetorical question: why not host an evening with friends? In summary: lovely interactions, but beware of excessive enthusiasm.

  • Your love life

    Take advantage of the Sun sextile Moon influence around the 3rd to strengthen your relationship or to open yourself to meeting someone new. Singles, your friends might turn out to be invaluable allies in your quest. For those in a relationship, the middle of the month will be conducive to constructive dialogues. However, be cautious at the end of the month, as the Moon in conjunction with Pluto may unearth old resentments. This is the moment, if ever there was one, to choose your words carefully and express gently what you feel.

  • Your career

    Take the beginning of the month to evaluate your career projects. The Moon sextile Mercury aspect encourages objective reflection. Who knows, a retraining idea might emerge? Mid-month, be careful not to trap yourself in a frustrating routine, take action! The end of May will be favorable for dialogue with a superior, highlight your expectations. Don't let anxiety take over but remain realistic about your current situation. Moving forward with full awareness, that's the key!

  • Your finances

    This is a month to invest in yourself, not just financially. Consider training, as the Moon sextile Mercury ensures successful learning. Midway through, realign your budget to match your new aspirations. There's no need to dream about hitting the jackpot. The idea is to harmonize your finances with your actual ambitions. At the end of the month, as the Moon is in conjunction with Neptune, take a break: breathe and dream! It's not every day that the cosmos invites you to imagine the unimaginable. Who said finance and dreams were incompatible?

  • Your wellbeing

    The energy is there at the start of the month, take advantage of it to introduce a daily physical activity, nothing is better for boosting your morale. However, be careful not to neglect moments of rest. The aspect of the Sun square Moon on May 15th could throw you off balance if you only do what you want. Afterward, use this period to deepen your self-knowledge and provide answers to your inner tensions. The end of the month will be ideal for gently taking care of yourself and regenerating your mental and physical energy.

  • Your astro-dates

    On the 1st of May, the Moon sextile Mercury enhances communication: an opportunity to express your ambitions. Around the 15th, caution! The Sun in square to the Moon may lead to unnecessary disagreements. Channel this energy to overcome conflicts and move forward. Finally, on the 30th of May, watch your enthusiasm during the Moon's square aspect to Jupiter: your actions might be misinterpreted. It's a busy month but full of experiences!

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