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Taurus Monthly Horoscope


- July 2024 -

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  • Monthly vibe

  • Your month

    During the first week of July, your creative momentum is amplified thanks to a Mars in Taurus. It's the perfect time to nurture new ideas. However, be cautious, as the Moon in conjunction with Uranus around July 2nd might trigger unexpected emotional turbulence. How can you make the most of these contradictory influences? Rather than resisting, try to welcome these disturbances as a philosophy from another culture might teach you: every disorder conceals an order waiting to emerge. So, to what lesson would you yield space?

  • Your love life

    In the initial days of the month, the Moon sextile to Venus paves the path for intense connections, as much for those seeking love as for established couples. Do you sense an almost instant bond with new acquaintances and your partner? Explore this! By the end of the month, the need for independence makes its presence felt. If you're single, seize this freedom to refocus on yourself and your passions. In a relationship, dedicate time to your individuality without completely detaching from the other. But remember: a solid relationship requires two strong individuals!

  • Your career

    The Moon-Jupiter conjunction in the first week brings an opportunity for professional growth. Do not hesitate to aim high, but prepare your arguments. Take some time in mid-July to assess the situation, pay close attention to your colleagues' remarks, and express your gratitude towards them. Initiatives balanced by empathy foster a team spirit. Understanding and navigating smoothly through office politics is made easier without succumbing to it, especially considering your natural hesitation.

  • Your finances

    The influence of Mars in the sign of Taurus calls for a reevaluation of your purchasing habits. The idea is to diligently adjust your budget for a long-term advantage. Why not plan specific times for your non-essential purchases? Meanwhile, the Moon sextile Saturn around July 29th symbolizes the need to contemplate your future finances. Do you love to cook? Perhaps this month you could consider starting a vegetable garden, it might prove to be an interesting investment. Think about it!

  • Your wellbeing

    The influence of the Moon in conjunction with Mars at the beginning of the month gives a jolt to your energy - utilize it to indulge in your favorite activities. How about a stroll in nature or a good book? However, beware because mid-July ushers in a quieter period with the opposition of the Moon-Pluto. This is the ideal time to take a break and focus on oneself. Meditating or keeping a diary can be valuable tools to navigate this period. Remember, wellbeing also comes from within...

  • Your astro-dates

    On the 2nd of July, the Moon in conjunction with Uranus is at its apogee: brace yourself for a whirlwind of emotions. On the 16th of July, anticipate a turnaround under the influence of the Moon/Uranus opposition. This could hint at an overdue self-criticism. Finally, make the most of this summer with the Moon/Saturn sextile on the 29th of July promising a shift towards calmer thoughts, centered on your present reality and not the past. These key dates thus punctuate your month between introspection and action, allowing you to progress in harmony with yourself.

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