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Taurus Monthly Horoscope


- October 2023 -

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  • Monthly vibe

  • Your month

    Taurus, get ready for a month of October 2023 full of energy and momentum with the powerful conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. The sextile aspect of the Moon to Saturn on the days 1, 20, and 28 will bring a sense of stability and emotional maturity, while the square of the Moon to Pluto on the days 1, 15, and 28 could cause temporary inner turbulence. Staying grounded will be your mantra, so be prepared for an emotional whirlwind!

  • Your love life

    Taurus, whether you are single or in a relationship, the month of October has some sweet tenderness in store for you. The quincunx aspect of the Sun in Libra to the Moon in Taurus at the beginning of the month balances the energies towards a loving and affectionate atmosphere. It's the ideal time for singles to find their soulmate, or for couples to rediscover their connection. However, be cautious of the square between the Moon and Pluto on the 15th, which could stir up some commotion in your bedroom... without necessarily feathers, but probably some laughter!

  • Your career

    Dear Taurus, in October 2023, your professional destiny shines with a promising glow. The conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in your sign announces a fertile period to plant the seeds of your ambitions. The conjunction of the Moon and Uranus on the 2nd and 29th offers a brilliant opportunity for innovations. However, the square of the Moon to Pluto on the 1st, 15th, and 28th could mean inevitable confrontations at work. Stay calm and avoid charging like a raging bull. Instead, take a peaceful approach - like a cow calmly ruminating its food - it will work better for you!

  • Your finances

    Taurus, in October 2023, get ready for a little dance with financial destiny. The transit of Jupiter in your sign could bring opportunities for prosperity raining down. The conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter on the 2nd and 29th could very well see your piggy bank filled up. However, the square of the Moon to Pluto on the 1st, 15th, and 28th hints at some whimsical moods with your finances. No need to see red, Taurus. Instead of rushing towards an impulsive expense, why not opt for a more peaceful approach, like cooking a good meal at home? Good for the wallet, good for the belly!

  • Your wellbeing

    Dear Taurus, in October 2023, your cosmic batteries are fully charged! The Moon sextile Saturn on the 1st, 20th, and 28th days infuses you with a dose of vitality and resilience. Each aspect motivates you to stay active and take care of your well-being. But beware of the square between the Moon and Pluto on the 1st, 15th, and 28th days, which could create emotional turbulence. Don't let this disturb your serenity. Practice yoga, meditation, or if nothing else works, do like cows... just contemplate the world passing by!

  • Your astro-dates

    Taurus, mark the key dates of October 2023 in your calendar! On October 2nd, the conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter could bring an opportunity to develop your career or a boost of happiness in your personal life. Expect emotional turbulence on October 15th when the Moon squares Pluto and tensions may arise. Fortunately, on October 20th, the soothing energy of the Moon sextile Saturn returns to alleviate these tensions. Lastly, don't plan anything exhausting on October 28th, as the Full Moon could leave you exhausted and in need of some rest. Think about Netflix series and hot chocolate!

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