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Scorpio Monthly Horoscope


- July 2024 -

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  • Monthly vibe

  • Your month

    In the early days of the month, the Moon sextile Mars provides ample energy for task completion. Do not allow yourself to be sidetracked, harness this strength to clear the obstacles from your path. Then, around July 30th, the Moon conjunct Jupiter fosters a resurgence of optimism. This is the perfect time to appreciate what you have and practice daily gratitude. These planetary influences serve to fortify your mental endurance and regain a positive outlook despite the daily challenges.

  • Your love life

    For you who are in a relationship, trust your intuition around July 6th, where the influence of the Moon in conjunction with Venus will soothe conflicts by creating a climate of harmony. For those who revel in their freedom, relish fully your time without a partner. Take advantage of it to go out with your friends and rekindle precious bonds or engage in a favored activity. Keep an open mind: you may well draw valuable lessons from these moments of independence. So yes, solitude also has its benefits!

  • Your career

    Take the time to appreciate your achievements and identify your strengths. The Moon in sextile with Saturn, towards the beginning of the month, encourages a rigorous self-evaluation. Trust in your judgment and don't let a misstep destabilize you. Become aware of your accomplishments to effectively manage pressure and stress. Towards the end of the month, the positive alignment of the Moon and Jupiter urges you to cultivate optimism and strengthen your professional relationships. Participate more actively in team discussions to reinforce your sense of belonging.

  • Your finances

    Consider saving for long-term goals. Around July 11th, the Moon trine to Uranus encourages innovative outlooks. Contemplate a regular contribution, however small, to fulfill a future dream. Remember, a penny saved is a penny earned! By the end of the month, advocate for moderation by steering clear of impulsive and needless purchases. The watchword: foresight in your finances for guaranteed peace of mind!

  • Your wellbeing

    Kickstart your day with a vigorous activity that you enjoy. The Moon sextile Mars at the start of the month imbues you with energy that will keep your spirits high. Around July 30th, when the Moon conjuncts Jupiter, indulge in social activities that make you joyful. Understand the importance of an active lifestyle for maintaining good mood and high energy levels. On these significant dates, immerse yourself in passions that resonate with you — perhaps listening to music or exploring nature's beauty — which can provide comfort and contribute to a positive outlook on life. Remember, it's not just exercise but also hobbies and interests that play a key role in well-being.

  • Your astro-dates

    On July 1st, your energy reaches its peak thanks to the Moon sextile Mars, seize this moment to embark on new adventures. Around the 11th, the Moon trine Uranus broadens your mind to innovative ideas and fosters change. Finally, July 30th is marked by optimism with a Moon conjunct Jupiter: it's a golden opportunity to establish new connections or strengthen old ones. These dates are significant milestones to confidently shape your month.

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