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Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope


- May 2024 -

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  • Monthly vibe

  • Your month

    Open your eyes to the various obstacles this month. On May 1st, the Sun square Moon creates tensions that require a better balance between your personal aspirations and your responsibilities. A great opportunity to develop your resilience! Pair this with Moon sextile Uranus, active until the 12th and starting again on the 31st, pushing you towards innovative ideas. Don't miss this chance for personal evolution: create a diversion by rediscovering art or by refocusing your energy on new creative approaches.

  • Your love life

    The start of the month looks promising for singles to strengthen their friendships. Take the time to pamper your friends. With the Moon sextile Mercury, you are blessed with contagious communicability, so make the most of it until May 10th! For couples, experiencing things together towards the end of the month is crucial. We're talking about cooking, hiking, cinema... On the 31st, with the Moon in conjunction with Saturn, complicity and commitment will be in the air. Cherish these moments together to solidify your bond!

  • Your career

    At the start of the month, dare to step out of your comfort zone, as the Moon sextile Uranus sparks innovation. Unique ideas are welcome at your workplace. Mid-month, beware of tensions with the Sun square Moon. A conflict may arise, remain diplomatic and constructive. At the end of the month, focus on diligence and organization. It's the opportunity to establish an action plan for your long-term projects thanks to the Moon conjunct Saturn on the 31st. A path riddled with obstacles, yet promising!

  • Your finances

    This month, why not direct a portion of your budget towards creative pleasures? The Moon sextile Mercury warms your social ease. Networking can lead to unforeseen financial opportunities. Average flows might be pressured due to the Sun square Moon mid-month, be vigilant about your essential expenditures. At the end of the month, think sustainably, consider investing in environmentally friendly furniture or equip yourself with energy-efficient appliances. Economy and ecology meet with the Moon in conjunction with Saturn on the 31st!.

  • Your wellbeing

    The beginning of the month might feel energetic with Moon sextile Mercury, your keen mind equips you with advantages to tackle daily challenges. A good time to explore new hobbies until the 10th! Mid-month, be cautious not to spread yourself too thin with the Sun square Moon. Maintain a steady pace in your activities and your sleep schedule. And why not take advantage of the last weekend of the month to take a walk in nature? The external tranquility will soothe your inner turmoil, especially on the 31st, with the Moon in conjunction with Saturn. Moderate, yet persuasive!

  • Your astro-dates

    On May 2nd, be wary of sudden impulses with the Moon square Uranus. A bit of patience can prevent unnecessary mistakes. Around the 15th, the Sun square Moon creates an atmosphere of tension, especially in matters of relationships. Avoid rash decisions and seek constructive dialogue. Finally, breathe in some fresh air on the 31st with the Moon in conjunction with Saturn. This day is perfect for organizing your thoughts and reflecting on your priorities. Take care of yourself!

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