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Pisces Monthly Horoscope


- November 2023 -

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  • Monthly vibe

  • Your month

    November will be a cosmic dance for Pisces! With Saturn in Pisces and Jupiter in Taurus, you may feel bolder than usual, ready to challenge the status quo. However, be cautious as the Moon in Gemini on November 1st suggests an exciting but potentially conflicting start to the month. Neptune, your ruling planet, will stay in your sign throughout the month, favoring daydreaming and inspiration. You will feel like riding a cosmic carousel - highs and lows guaranteed, but always with style and a smile.

  • Your love life

    Pisces, get ready for a storm of love in November! The position of Venus in Virgo makes love beginnings especially sweet for singles. For couples, Neptune in Pisces adds a touch of magic to your relationship, strengthening intimacy and emotional connection. Be aware, the Moon square Venus at the beginning of the month may bring some challenges, but remember, a little turbulence makes the journey more exciting. Be like a fine French wine, let your feelings age with time. Enjoy the tasting, in love as in wine!

  • Your career

    Pisces, put on your office superhero costume! Thanks to Mars in Scorpio, you'll be at the top of your energy and ready to face all professional challenges. You might even impress the boss with your ingenuity and determination. However, the Moon square Neptune on November 1st could complicate communications. Tip of the day: avoid discussing important projects during coffee breaks! Stay focused, keep your cape securely fastened, and remember, every superhero has their kryptonite.

  • Your finances

    Pisces, be careful not to dive too deeply into the abyss of your finances this month! Jupiter in Taurus might make you a tad too generous. A little charity is fine, but make sure your generosity doesn't empty your bank account. Mercury in Sagittarius after the 10th could bring good financial news or investment opportunities. So, get ready to dive... but don't forget your life jacket. And remember, a good Pisces always knows how to swim against the current!

  • Your wellbeing

    Pisces, you will feel as energetic as a silver sardine! The Moon in Cancer starting from November 2nd will boost your vitality and well-being. However, be cautious as Saturn in Pisces could increase your sensitivity, so don't forget to take time for yourself. To maintain all this energy, avoid stress traps and anxiety sharks. If you feel a wave of fatigue, treat yourself to a delightful relaxation moment with a cup of seaweed tea. Pisces, stay afloat and ride the wave of vitality!

  • Your astro-dates

    On November 1st, it will be a day of challenges for Pisces, with the Moon in Gemini asking difficult questions. On November 7th, with Saturn in your sign, you will feel an energy boost, an ideal day to start new projects. On November 15th, the Moon in Sagittarius may bring up questions of love or relationships, so expect intense feelings. Lastly, on November 22nd, with Mars in Sagittarius, you could experience financial success. Remember, every day is a new page in your astrological book!

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