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Libra Monthly Horoscope


- August 2024 -

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  • Monthly vibe

  • Your month

    August stirs up conflicting energies. One might sense the square of the Moon to Neptune, heralding misunderstanding in relationships, particularly at the beginning and mid-August. Remember to capitalize on your interpersonal skills to dispel confusions. Meanwhile, the Moon trine Saturn magnifies resilience and focus as the month progresses, starting from the second day. This is the necessary fuel to fortify your personal or professional structures. It will likely rectify the shortcomings caused by the other aspect. The positive or negative? Surely it will depend on your personal management of these differentiated energies.....

  • Your love life

    For those in love, harmony is in the spotlight. Around August 11th, the Moon sextile Jupiter amplifies sharing and generosity in your conjugal life. Mutual fulfillment is in sight! For singles, take advantage of this month to refocus on yourselves. The possibility of a serious relationship seems to be emerging, but before that, allow yourselves time for hobbies and friends. Happiness is not always where one believes it to be. And who knows? Perhaps a pleasant surprise will spring up when you least expect it...

  • Your career

    In your professional horizon, the upcoming month calls for flexibility. Your critical mind is highlighted with Mercury in Virgo starting August 1st, favorable for enhancing existing processes. However, beware of the tensions generated. Favor constructive dialogue over confrontation. Around mid-August, under the influence of the Moon-Saturn trine, your ability to persevere is honored to resolve any potential disputes. Focus on your long-term goals to end the month with serenity and confidence.

  • Your finances

    Consider this month as a time for gestating ideas for future prosperity. Around August 4th, the Sun in conjunction with the Moon illuminates your financial vision: think about investing in yourself. Money spent on courses or training sometimes yields unexpected returns on investment. By the end of August, check your meters: energy consumption, mobile data, is there something to readjust? Each small adjustment contributes to a real gain on your overall budget. By financial extension, your state of mind would be better with fewer unnecessary expenses.....

  • Your wellbeing

    Expect energetic transitions, in tune with your vitality's ebbs and flows. Around August 15th, the Moon forming a trine with Mercury invites a bubble of mental clarity. Use this period to realign your daily regimen and incorporate more activities that foster a genuine sense of well-being. Toward the month's end, take note of signs signaling the need for rest. The Moon's ascension coupled with Saturn calls for redefining your boundaries and prioritizing restorative sleep. Beware of compulsive eating behaviors that may stem from an emotional imbalance. Each effort to be mindful delivers substantial benefits to your overall life.

  • Your astro-dates

    From the very first day of the month, under the influence of the Moon square Neptune, be careful not to take everything literally. August 15th marks a turning point, the Moon in trine with Mercury stimulates your communication: it's the right time to clarify your thoughts. Finally, echoing this evolution, the last day of the month features a Moon in conjunction with Jupiter. An opportunity to manifest your boldest dreams presents itself. Proceed gradually, but assuredly..

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