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Libra Monthly Horoscope


- January 2024 -

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  • Monthly vibe

  • Your month

    Launch your projects, your ideas shine under the influence of Moon trine Jupiter at the start of the month. However, be cautious around January 5th and 6th when the Moon in opposition to Jupiter could curb your ambition. Accept the feedback, transform it into constructive resources to bounce back higher. If failure arises, soak up the lessons and set off again with a clear and resolute mind towards improved results.

  • Your love life

    The beginning of the month brings vibrant dialogues for couples, with January 5th serving as a pivotal day for resolving disputes, thanks to the Moon's trine with Saturn. Use clear communication to prevent misunderstandings. Singles could find enticing encounters during this period but tread lightly to dodge unwelcome complications. As the month closes, romance retreats into a calm, balanced pace. Appreciate these moments of peace if you're in a relationship or employ them as a pause in your search for love. Avoid rushing commitment - it is essential to relish each stage of any romantic involvement.

  • Your career

    Navigate adroitly between teamwork and personal projects. Don't hesitate to delegate, especially on the 4th and 5th, when the Moon sextile Mars fosters a fruitful collective energy. Prepare a backup plan for the 16th, a day likely to bring unexpected reversals. This independence will also foster your professional growth: learn to detach yourself from the collective without offending sensibilities or creating chaos. Seek a balance between active participation and individual leadership to reap success and serenity at the office.

  • Your finances

    Keep a watchful eye on your leisure budget this month. Around the 12th, Jupiter in Taurus highlights the allure of costly pleasures. Learn to appreciate simple and economical delights, and explore creative ways to have fun without emptying your wallet. Beware of a slight spending breeze blowing towards the end of the month - resist the urge for financial impulsivity. Adopt a long-term view of your financial stability: saying no to a few expenses now could mean a more impactful yes later.

  • Your wellbeing

    This month, nourish your well-being by cultivating your passions: they could be the antidote to a possible slump around the 17th, when the Moon will be square to Pluto. Do not overlook this therapeutic aspect of your routine. Going radio silent on social media and taking walks in the fresh air can also boost your morale. At the end of the month, a beautiful Moon trine Mars brings you the vitality needed to try out new activities. Whether it's a creative hobby or sporting activity, it doesn't matter as long as it makes you feel alive!

  • Your astro-dates

    On January 1st, harness the illuminating power of a Moon trine Jupiter to shed light on your plans. It's high time to sow your seeds! A breath of fresh air wafts in on the 8th with a Moon conjunct Venus: open yourself to others, friendship is within your grasp. Be vigilant on the 18th, as the day might prove treacherous on an emotional level with a Moon square Pluto. Fortunately, the 29th brings a Moon trine Mars, boosting your vitality and self-confidence: charge fearlessly towards your goals!

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