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Libra Monthly Horoscope


- November 2023 -

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  • Monthly vibe

  • Your month

    In November 2023, Libra will experience a vibrant period with emotional fluctuations under the watch of Saturn in Pisces. Keep a close eye on the Moon-Mercury conjunction on the 14th, as this encounter could disrupt your plans. The Moon in Cancer on the 29th could make you a bit moody! Take some time to relax to avoid becoming as irritable as a Scorpio. Saturn in Pisces helps you stay grounded. Courage, Libra, you are on the right track!

  • Your love life

    With the gentle influence of Venus in Virgo starting on November 9, Libra, your love life could really take off! If you are in a relationship, this period could lead you to rediscover each other and reignite the flame. If you are single, get ready because love could knock on your door like a late-night pizza delivery! However, do not ignore the power of the Moon-Neptune conjunction on the 18th, which could spice things up. Get ready for an exciting month and remember to take time for yourself, as there's nothing better for attracting love than loving yourself.

  • Your career

    Dear Libra native, in November, your career could keep you on your toes, thanks to the influence of Mars in Scorpio, igniting your fighting spirit. Be prepared, around the 12th, the Moon in Scorpio could create tension in the workplace. No need to panic! You are more balanced than a tightrope walker on a rope. Use this wisdom to negotiate your raise without upsetting the salary scale. Rejoice, Saturn in Pisces ensures a level of professionalism that not even the best Parisian waiter could rival!

  • Your finances

    For Libra, November is a month of interesting financial prospects. With Jupiter in Taurus, your wallet could fill up faster than a pot on the stove. On the 21st, expect a surprise: a raise, a bonus, or even an old winning lottery ticket found at the bottom of a drawer! However, remain cautious: with the Moon in Capricorn on the 17th, you might be tempted to make impulsive expenses. Remember: fortune is as fickle as a caffeinated rabbit. Maintain a balanced attitude, and your financial balance will remain stable.

  • Your wellbeing

    Dear Libra native, this month of November, Mercury in Scorpio could give you the energy of a freshly baked croissant! Take advantage of it to do some exercise. However, be careful of the Moon in Virgo on the 7th, which could cause a bit of fatigue. Remember, sometimes a good hot chocolate and a blanket are enough to restore balance. Keep your spirits up, your vitality is more contagious than a fit of laughter in an elevator! And don't forget: a sound mind in a sound body.

  • Your astro-dates

    Libra, mark your calendar! November 9th should be watched like a hawk: the Moon in Libra conjunct Venus illuminates your love life. What a magnificent day to declare your love or renew your vows! Then, on the 13th, expect a surge of productivity at work under the influence of the Moon in Scorpio. On the 21st, your wallet may make some noise due to Jupiter in Taurus. And to end on a high note, on the 29th, there will be a surge of energy thanks to the Moon in Cancer, perfect for dancing all night long!

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