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Aquarius Monthly Horoscope


- June 2024 -

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  • Monthly vibe

  • Your month

    The start of the month finds you cradled by a Moon sextile to Mercury, promoting communication and the articulation of your thoughts. This is the time to voice what you believe, but don't neglect the act of listening! As the month winds down, pay heed to the Moon in conjunction with Saturn: it's the moment to recalibrate your professional and personal life. Isn't that already a goal? Proceed gently, but with certainty.....

  • Your love life

    The beginning of the month emphasizes communication, both for singles and couples. Express yourself clearly and don't be afraid to reveal your feelings. Around the 19th, when the Moon is in opposition to Uranus, brace yourself for surprises in love. For the singles: a new love might just sweep you off your feet! For couples: a breath of fresh air is blowing over your relationship. The end of the month will be more tranquil, take advantage of this to savor these peaceful moments in love or among friends.

  • Your career

    At work, the start of the month hands you the chance to raise your voice. Seize this opportunity to express your ideas during meetings. The Moon sextile Mercury encourages this openness. Then, around mid-month, when the Moon is trine Saturn, it will be the perfect time to balance your workload and fend off burnout. At the end of the month, it's time to take stock: what were the high points and where can you improve? Remember, constructive self-criticism is a crucial stepping stone toward success.

  • Your finances

    On the financial front, this month should prove to be relatively stable. However, do consider anticipating certain expenses related to your personal life. When the Moon sextiles Jupiter around the 10th, the atmosphere will be favorable to consider an investment or a long-standing expense. It's also a good time to think about saving, even a small amount can make a difference in the long run! Also, prepare yourself towards the end of the month: with the Moon in conjunction with Neptune, there may be some delicate financial decisions to be made. Keep your cool!

  • Your wellbeing

    In the early days of the month, your energy is at its peak. Make the most of it to kick off a new project or to make headway in your tasks. Around the 10th, with the Moon sextile to Jupiter, your morale is bright as a polished mirror. Charge ahead! However, come the month's end, as the Moon aligns with Neptune, you might feel somewhat overwhelmed. That's to be expected. Carve out some time to unwind and recharge. Remember: self-care is never time squandered!

  • Your astro-dates

    On the 1st, with the Moon sextile Mercury, your communication skills are given a boost. Exchanges are smooth, fostering the materialization of ideas. Then on the 19th, when the Moon opposes Uranus: brace yourself for surprises, perhaps a new love or an unexpected project? Finally, on the 27th, caution! The Moon conjuncts Saturn, marking a time for introspection. It would be wise to ponder the balances in your life across all key areas. Take a breath, rest, and prepare for the coming month!

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