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Virgo Daily Horoscope

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- July 9th, 2024 -

  • Astro news

    Astro news

    With Venus opposing Pluto and the Moon squaring Uranus, expect challenges in your relationships. Openness to dialogue is vital. Steer clear of unnecessary dramas.

  • LOVE

    In a relationship

    Uncertainties plague your relationship, yet yield not to anxiety. The demand for communication takes center stage today. Express yourself gently, while listening with respect. This is essential. Today, progress despite the unanswered questions. Calm always follows the storm, promised!


    This old friend whom you suddenly behold from a different perspective, do not fear. Explore this fresh facet of your sentiments. Relish your independence to allot time to all your relationships. Validation can also spring from friendship. And who knows, perhaps a door is opening to something else..

    Love advice

    In a relationship, silence your growing impulsivity. No haste is needed. Tenderness is the commandment, and foreplay should be prioritized. To those unattached, beware, you sense an unforeseen attraction! It's not necessarily a trap, but exercise caution before making the first move. The astral sky is watching you!



    In the face of unjustified remarks at the office, display your confidence. The Mercury-Jupiter sextile stands by you. Do not allow a regrettable word to tarnish your personal esteem. Now is the time to gently yet firmly assert your worth. Remember: the opinions of others are not always accurate.

    Your finances

    Before making a significant purchase that could weigh on your finances, think carefully. Planning is the key. Allocate your budget, deciding on what matters most to you at this moment. This is a period conducive to realism and financial caution.


    Health & wellbeing

    Balance is paramount. If you've contemplated some alterations in your diet, now is the opportune time to commence. Approach this sagely, do not deprive yourself of sustenance, instead set boundaries. Listen to your body...


    Friends & family

    A fashion misstep among friends, it happens! If you spot a friend wearing the same sweater as yours, don't make a big deal of it! Laugh it off together, it will make for a beautiful anecdote to tell later on...

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