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Capricorn Daily Horoscope

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- July 12th, 2024 -

  • Astro news

    Astro news

    With Mars conjoined to Uranus and sextile to Saturn, it's a virtuous day for action! Whether it's a new exercise, spring cleaning, or a radical decision, seize this positive assertion with intensity. Make the cut!

  • LOVE

    In a relationship

    With the Venus-Pluto opposition, a cool breeze is billowing over your love life. Perhaps you've felt a lack of support recently, or a multitude of nagging questions. But know this is the perfect day to foster mutual encouragement. Act gently, express your needs and be open to those of your significant other. Warm dialogue strengthens your bond.


    A sudden infatuation is on the horizon in the realm of organization! Perhaps you stumble upon a new application that thoroughly transforms your approach to managing your projects and personal activities. This little caprice has a positive impact on your life. It affords more time for your passions or for meeting new people. Oh, how you love this single life!

    Love advice

    Love does not descend from the heavens. To articulate your feelings accurately, take matters into your own hands. A labor on your part could revolutionize your romantic relationship. Or perhaps incite new amorous encounters for the singletons. Feel the immense planetary energy that urges action! Off you go!



    Mars in conjunction with Uranus bestows upon you the necessary energy to negotiate new contracts. If you sense pressure or stress at work, do not keep it all to yourself. Speak out clearly and request what you need. Your audacity might indeed astonish and unlock new doors. Go for it!

    Your finances

    The panorama of your financial future is brightening. This is the perfect day to devise your budget, pinpoint areas where you could spend less and save more. You find yourself drawn to a new activity. Do not hesitate to partake. It might bring you unexpected opportunities.


    Health & wellbeing

    Nervous excitement lurks around you. As soon as you can, partake in a moment of relaxation, either alone or accompanied by friends. This will soothe your mind and render you serene for the day.


    Friends & family

    For you, it's the chance to probe your sense of hearing. Be alert and receptive to the confidences of a close friend or a relative. They will have much to share with you.

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