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Aquarius Daily Horoscope

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- February 28th, 2024 -

  • Astro news

    Astro news

    The time has come to assert yourself, not necessarily where the sun shines. The square between Venus and Jupiter could spawn obstacles. Fear not to champion your ideas, even in the face of opposition!

  • LOVE

    In a relationship

    Planning a romantic evening might seem a daunting challenge amidst the humdrum of daily routines. Yet, even a home-cooked meal can offer more warmth than a thousand words. Seek out fresh recipes or spin your favorite tunes - these seemingly insignificant details can rekindle the embers.


    An ex-flame resurfaces today. Not all memories are bad. They've allowed for growth and learning. Understanding one's past and the reasons for one's present state, that's also part of being single. So, smile at the memories, even if they sometimes sting. This is what we call resilience.

    Love advice

    Steer clear of jealousy, even though it's not quite straightforward with the strain between Venus and Jupiter. This mutual trust is crucial for the well-being of a couple. If you're single, maintain a positive demeanor during initial dates, your confidence might just charm!



    Faced with a complex decision today, consider the ethical and sustainable. Pluto's influence bolsters you on this path. Before you act, ask yourself if this is the best solution for the future. Those who place integrity above all else are always remembered.

    Your finances

    Consider powering off unused devices to cut back on your electricity bills. Some unused items could be sold, thus creating an opportunity for extra income. For instance, orchestrate a yard sale featuring the electronic equipment you no longer use. An ingenious way to manage your budget!


    Health & wellbeing

    Shed those toxic relationships, even if it stirs up some tension. It's sometimes said that birds of a feather flock together. Perhaps it's time to reconsider who you associate with, wouldn't you say?


    Friends & family

    Delicacy is the order of the day today, especially if a colleague turns out to be more critical than usual. Practicing listening and patience will help to avoid futile conflicts.

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